Five clear themes emerged our with New College, U of Alabama, student project: Tea & Testimonals ~ an opportunity for patients to tell their health & wellness story with Dr Cox.: Trust, Like Mindedness, Professionalism, Wellnesss Landscape, Health & Wellness Journey A few testimonials include: You have to trust that person (care provider) has the skill and talent to do it and more importantly the spirit in terms of doing it. It comes not so much from knowing a technique, but with Dr Cox if comes from the heart. The title of her practice space is Wellness, which speaks volumes. ~Steven Dr Cox views health as a journey – a spiraling effect built on relationship of trust spanning many years. I learned how to take care of myself. ~Olivia Dr Cox is the real deal and walks the walk. ~Susan Dr Cox’s methods have had a profound influence on my life in that I have become more aware of the happenings of my physical body. ~Nancy I trust her. She is Mother Earth. ~Julie Everything that this whole place is about, I am about in the world. You get healthy. ~Barbara Acupuncture saved my life. I am a different person now than I was before. I am healthier and more apt to make good food choices. ~Lindsey
featuring Sarita Elizabeth Cox
and colleagues Dr Harry Adelson & Dr Greg Eckel
Gateway_Stories_Cox from Obsidian Creative Studios on Vimeo. Gateway Stories Interview with Dr Cox on Brain Matters Invite Dr. Cox as a guest for your podcast, streaming or live event! Podcasts
It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. – Hippocrates