Earth: Shake into your muscles

Learning to “shake it off” during times of stress could be as simple as practicing just that, shaking.
The traditional warm up before practicing a qi gong form is 5-15 minutes of shanking. We progressively shake deeper starting with our skin, into the muscles, tendons, bones and organs.
Read our blog post about Qigong Shaking:
A daily habit of shaking for five minutes will pave a path of wellness for you.
Need science to convince you?
Check out this research on Qi Gong for the Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of COVID19 Infection in Older Adults
Shake things up with these exercises:…/how-shaking-therapy-and…
Support your wellness journey with Element Wisdom Cards.
The Earth deck is used daily to support your Earth Element &
four times yearly during the 18 days around each solstice and equinox
Purchase here:

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