shake – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Fri, 23 Dec 2022 21:42:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shake – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Earth: Shake into your muscles Fri, 23 Dec 2022 15:25:16 +0000 Continue reading →]]>
Learning to “shake it off” during times of stress could be as simple as practicing just that, shaking.

The traditional warm up before practicing a qi gong form is 5-15 minutes of shanking.  We progressively shake deeper starting with our skin, into the muscles, tendons, bones and organs.

Read our blog post about Qigong Shaking:

A daily habit of shaking for five minutes will pave a path of wellness for you. 

Need science to convince you?

Check out this research on Qi Gong for the Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of COVID19 Infection in Older Adults


Support your wellness journey with Element Wisdom Cards.
The Earth deck is used daily to support your Earth Element &
four times yearly during the 18 days around each solstice and equinox
Purchase here:
Earth: Convert discord into harmony Fri, 23 Dec 2022 15:18:16 +0000 Continue reading →]]>
Convert discord into harmony.
It is time to come home. It is time to find your true center. 
The 18 days around each solstice & equinox hold the power of transition. The fifth season of earth resonates with trust, harmony and abundance.
Here are a few practices that I encourage my patients to utilize during the earth season to break up discord:
1. Take a walk. 
Nature works best but a few flights of stairs, a walk around the building or the block interrupts the pattern.
2. Bring awareness to your body. 
What does discord feel like in your body? 
Where does the dissonance settle? Your gut? Your skin? The back of the neck? 
What sensation does it create?
Ache? Sharp? Tingle? Throb? Pressure?
Watch it change. It does. Every single time. Eventually.
3. Shake.
Spend 5 minutes shaking the body. This is how we warm up for qi gong (internal tai chi). Shake into the muscles, envision golden light. This strengthens our connection to earth and helps move out disease before it somatizes.
Harmony can be defined as a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts. As we journey deeper and deeper into our personal healing, we begin to become aware of the parts of ourselves that create discord, dissonance, imbalance. As we come into relationship with these players of personality, we may not like who we meet.  Each one of these facets of ego, helped us survive, cope, overcome, suceed, thrive or compensate.  They may no longer be needed and at risk of unemployment. At that point, this unacknowledged, unappreciated part of ourselves may self-sabatoge.
4. Invite home all of the parts.
Develop a dialogue with each face of self. Invite this part of self to tea.  Ask its name and what she needs. Ask how she served you.  Thank her. Ask what she fears, enjoys. Get to know these players.  Integration brings harmony.

Allow yourself time to integrate all the changes that you have chosen during
autumn, the season of letting go.
Return to your true self now. 
Remember your center.
Your place is right here, right now, between heaven and earth.

Disclosure: There are no three magic ways. Or 5 must dos. I grow weary to do lists of how to heal.
The healing is finding your own way. Empowered medicine.
I choose to educate you to the natural and dynamic rhythms of nature. I honor that you know. I am here to meet you on your journey.
Healing is an inside job.