seasonal wellness – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Tue, 14 Mar 2023 19:48:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 seasonal wellness – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Water ~ Listen and wait Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:30:41 +0000 Listen and wait.


Winter is the most yin time of the year – the most receptive season.

Practice reserve.

Spring has not yet come.

We are still dreaming our dreams.

Practice listening to the stillness.

Practice waiting in the void.


Join our email for seasonal retreats, nature connects

Metal: Visualize white light filling your lungs now Tue, 13 Dec 2022 20:17:37 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Visualize white light filling your lungs now. 
‘Tis the season of lung support. The metal organ network reaches it’s energetic peak in autumn. 
Sound and light resonate the paired organs lung & large intestine. Healing our physical lungs also shifts us from criticalness, blame and distrust toward deep integrity. 
Physical breathing practices like pranayama (yogic breath control) strength our immunity by exercising our lungs and oxygenating our cells. 
Before any action there is an ideation and a mental impression (visual or words). 
The color white & the sound shhhhh balances the lung. 
Close your eyes. 
See pure, crystalline white light. 
Allow this light to fill your lungs now. 
Breathe it in. 
Feel the vitality, the breath of life.
Repeat 8 times.
I see folks that still have not regained full lung function from prior respiratory assaults. Take this time between holiday celebrations to love your lungs, visualize them in perfect health.
Create or support your seasonal wellness practice with my element wisdom cards. These are the clinical pearls from more than 2 decades of clinical practice. I have printed them in 5 decks for you!
Metal: You are precious Tue, 13 Dec 2022 20:17:08 +0000 Continue reading →]]> You are precious is one of the messages that I speak to my patients during the fall season. Outside of the clinic, I love to remind friends or strangers how valuable they are. Try it and notice how it makes you feel. It immediately moves me into heart space.  I delight in seeing the sparkle in their eyes or their body relax into goodness. What an easy way to make the world a better place.

Metal is the element of autumn. Theme of the season is value, worth, letting go of that which no longer serves, honoring our grief, integrity, magnetism, alchemy.

During an acupuncture session, I have a patient choose an element wisdom card or choose one for them.  Last week, I forgot to have the first patient of the day choose a card, so I sent it by text. Her card is You are Precious. I encouraged her to forward the picture to one or five of her beloveds. This is actually one of our ways to play (for 2 or more) Our element wisdom cards offer 73 daily in season affirmations, wisdoms, questions and health tips. Check our ways to play & purchase a seasonal gift today at 

I’ve been at this for more than 20 years – witnessing health in seasonal cycles, feeling pulses, giving healing treatments, guiding folks back toward their best self. I am an expert in mind, body, spirit treatment – more than 10,000 hours.




Metal: Pressure forms the gemstone Thu, 17 Nov 2022 23:31:53 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Diamonds form from elemental carbon between 237,000 – 1.3 million times atmospheric pressure deep within the earth. Just like us, rocks and minerals are in a constant state of change. Life gives us both expected and unexpected pressure. Are you able to utilize these stressors to transform yourself?

What gems are you creating in your life? your community? your family?

Jade is considered a healing power stone in Asian medicine. 15-75 miles below the earths surface in zones where the tectonic plates collide, extreme temperatures of 480–1110°F and extreme pressures of 87,000–507,500 pounds per square inch metamorphic rock, dolomite, transforms. Suffice it to say, power comes out of enduring extreme situations. 

At our lineage ceremony marking the completion of our Chinese Medicine program at NUNM, each student was gifted a jade circle.  We completed a very intense cycle; we were forever changed.  I wrapped my stone with green threads and continue to wear it to this day, two decades later. This power stone embodies all the teachings, the struggles, the lesson, the ease, the delight. It is a treasure.

Next time you are feeling pressured.  Take a few deep breaths. 

Then ask yourself:  how can this experience transform me, transmute me, shift me, change me?

#gemstones #diamond #metal #value #seasonalwellness

Metal: Sweat it out Thu, 17 Nov 2022 22:45:53 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Sweat it out! I love my infrared heavenly heat sauna. And I am giving myself a big dose of self love today as I ready myself for a week of top performance.

The metal element rules the lungs. Skin is an expression of the lung. The function of the pores to open and close depends on the balance of our internal metal.

One of the best investments that I made in the last 10 years is a home sauna. I don’t choose to use public saunas for two reasons. It’s a poor use of my time to travel from home to sweat everyday. And I am, by nature, not a renter when it comes to value. I own my wellness.

Regular saunas (4-7/week) dramatically reduce heart disease, dementia, hypertension according to recent studies. No wonder it is a traditional wisdom! It detoxifies our cells and improves our immune function.

In naturopathic medicine and nature cure, saunas are considered hydrotherapy.  Ideally, a sweat is followed by a cold plunge or shower.  Then a rest period and UV sunlight exposure.  We prescribe three rounds of hot, cold, rest, sun.

Dr. Cox has invested many hours into selecting this made in the USA no plastics or glues sauna for home use .

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For daily fall wellness tips

purchase my Metal/Autumn Element Wisdom Card decks.

Dr Cox guides your wellness practice with simple tip, health habits, inquiries and jedi mind tricks!



Metal: Shine on you crazy diamond Sun, 13 Nov 2022 14:32:33 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Shine on you crazy diamond!

Allow your inner light to shine through as we move into days of diminishing daylight. Our moods may change with less light. 

Diamonds form from elemental carbon between 237,000 – 1.3 million times atmospheric pressure deep within the earth.  Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe according to mass. This makes carbon rather ‘ordinary’.  However the brilliance of the diamond is acquired from intense pressure to ordinary carbon.  Like carbon, our extraordinary-ness is derived from our ordinary-ness plus stress.  The practice of being present moment to moment helps us appreciate the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Less direct ultra violet light during November-February inhibits our inherent vitamin D conversion.  To better understand this seasonal stress, This science article explores what qualifies as deficient in vitamin D and what effects a deficiency can have on you.

Visit for more information about Element Wisdom Cards and how this self-care tool can help guide you in your wellness journey.

Purchase your Element Wisdom Card decks here

photo credit: Dimitris Christou

Metal: Experience the Sunset Sun, 13 Nov 2022 14:26:27 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Experience the sunset. 
West is the direction of the metal season and honors endings and letting go of things that no longer serve us.  Check the sunset time daily.  Today the sun sets at 4:49 pm. Watching every possible sunrise and sunset was one of the first practices that trained me into the deep transformations of seasonal wellness practices. Settle in for the show.  Feel yourself. Lovingly pause the stories and narratives of the day. Savor the magnificence now:  the beauty, the difficultly, the ordinariness, the extraordinariness.  

Visit for more information about Element Wisdom Cards and how this self-care tool can help guide you in your wellness journey.

Purchase your Element Wisdom Card decks here

Metal: Dry brush your skin today Sun, 13 Nov 2022 14:22:50 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Want a Fall wellness routine that is easy as it gets? 
Dry brush you skin just before you get in the shower. Brush in long strokes from the extremities toward the chest. This helps move the lymph along it’s pathways and supports your immune system. Brush through the joints not to the joints. Lymph is concentrated in the joints, in the belly, groin, arm pits and sides of the neck. The skin is an expression of the lung. Tis the season to get brushing with a natural bristle brush. Go on… yourself a little more today and brush off the dead skin cells for a more radiant you! 

 This tip if from the Metal/Autumn Element Wisdom Card deck.

I invite you to daily wellness journey with Element Wisdom Cards.

Purchase here

Focus Mon, 01 Feb 2021 14:34:12 +0000 Continue reading →]]>


Each season has a corresponding set of organs that reach their energetic peak during the 73 day period.  Water rules the winter season. The bladder, kidney and adrenals are expressions of the water element in the landscape of the human body.  In addition to the organs and the yin/yang organ pair (kidney = yin & bladder = yang).  The water element manifests as the physical organs, their energetic pathways (meridians), the hair, teeth, bones, brain and spinal cord. You can learn more about simple, harmonious ways to support the water element here.

Supporting the practice of focus is one powerful way to promote winter wellness.  One of our patients sent an image of how she integrates the Element Wisdom Cards into her life.  She chose the card with intention and placed it in  her workspace for the week.  She reported that the Focus card was a tremendous support to anchor her mind.  The focus card may also be used on an altar or vision board to support your dreams or in your meditation space to focus your attention back to the breath, sensation or heart.  The element wisdom cards help you find your authentic and unique path to wellness – step by step.

Click here to purchase your winter wellness deck

You are resilient Mon, 04 Jan 2021 13:39:29 +0000 Continue reading →]]> We have just crossed into the Water (Winter) season in the beginning of January.  Didn’t winter start on the solstice (21st)? Actually the solstice marks the midpoint of 18 transitional days ruled by the Earth (Transition) season. So use those Earth (Transition) Card Decks 4 times a year for seasonal support.

On my first clinic of the season, I opened a deck Water/Winter element wisdom cards and choose this card to start off our season.  I chose the card – You are resilient.  After a year like 2020, I happily receive this affirmation. Last year, I completed the Element Wisdom Card Decks in real time. Each deck of 73 cards (Water, Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal) guides us through one of the four seasons or through the 18 days around each Transitional time of the two solstices and equinoxes.  This year, I will be taking us deeper by diving into the cards, offering practical and simple seasonal support, and delivering via our blog subscribers with inspirations on SM.  If you want to stay up to date sign up here or click the grey envelope on our website: You can now also search the blog by keyword or card title.  And follow us on IG while your at it!

I always feel more resilient when I eat vital, simply prepared foods.  This week, I will guide you through a gentle holiday reset to help you feel better too! Spoiler alert:  the winter is NOT the best time to detox – save that for spring and fall.  I will guide you in seasonal harmony throughout 2021 as I am developing on-line and in-person group experiences.  I want to witness your health transformation this year.  xoxoxo Sarita

Learn more about how to use your Element Wisdom Card decks on our Ways to Play tab.  And if you haven’t yet discovered our cards – learn more & purchase here.
