Metal Element – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Fri, 26 Feb 2021 19:40:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Metal Element – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Soup Cleanse Thu, 28 Jan 2021 03:33:11 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Soup Cleanse…….aka a winter reset 


The number one question I get in January is “What do you think about this detox kit or that cleanse program or this product? My general answer is Winter is NOT the most harmonious time of the year to detoxify – save it for spring and fall.  And always, always prepare your body for a detox by opening the 5 avenues (emunctories) of elimination  ~ more on that later. Winter is for resting, restoring, dreaming, merging – hibernating in essence.

I do understand the desire, even the need to reset after the overindulgence of the holidays and to affirm our newfound, yearly commitment to healthier habits with action.  Over the next weeks, I will guiding you through a simple winter soup cleanse with soup base modification, organ specific spices along with seasonally appropriate practices to feel better now. 

I will be delivering lifestyle and winter wellness tips, whole food hacks in a mini blog format. Click here to have the blog delivered to your inbox, so you don’t miss these insider tips. 

The soups journey you through each of the the 6 yin/yang pairs of the organ network to gently cleanse and restore – a perfect winter way to care for yourself. 


Lung/Large Intestine ~ Cauliflower / Cabbage

Stomach/Spleen ~ Butternut Squash

Heart/Small Intestine ~ Asparagus/ Turnip & Pumpkin/Chili

Bladder/Kidney ~ Lentil/Cilantro

Gallbladder/Liver ~ Beet/ Parsnip

Triple burner/ Pericardium ~ Kale/ spinach/ chard

Lung/Large Intestine ~ Carrot/ Leek /Ginger


All in a base of onion, garlic and sea salt

For 2 servings: combine one medium onion, 2-5 cloves garlic, seal salt to taste in 1 quart of filtered water. Simmer until onions are not quite clear. Add chopped vegetables until fork tender. Blend with immersion blender, blendtech/vitamix, or blender. Add a little olive oil. 

Optional spices to taste like cardamom, curry, turmeric, Chinese five spice, fresh parsley, basil, chives, etc.

Be creative and enjoy.

If you wish to go deeper into seasonal wellness purchase your Winter/Water Element Wisdom Card Deck here for 73 unique messages of inspiration, affirmation, jedi mind tricks, inquiries and instructions and to support this restorative cleanse.


Quiz: Return to Earth Fri, 13 Dec 2019 15:48:35 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Today we invite you to embrace your Earth Element via self-care.  Take this quiz and download a tip sheet full of balancing superfoods, lifestyle suggestions and even an affirmation to start or refine the dynamic journey to the healthiest version of you as you discover your Elemental Constitution and begin your journey of re-wilding yourself back to source.

Click here for Elemental Wisdom Quiz

Clicking the grey ‘follow’ envelope above will deliver weekly health and wellness tips to your inbox via our weekly cultivating wellness blog.

We are dynamic beings.  We change We change under influences such as the seasons, life situation, and our current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states and even the aging process.  Typically we have main constitution element and a secondary constitutional  (which may be the same or different as the main element). As we become more and more self aware and heal our imbalances, we will manifest and move more freely from one elemental state to the next during the natural generative cycle represented by the seasons.  Come back and take our quiz again in another iteration of yourself!

full moon illumination

The 12/12 full moon illuminated our final earth transition phase for the year.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine the transitional time between the changing of the seasons, is referred to as the ‘Doyo’. Each season corresponds to a specific element and the seasonal transition periods relate to Earth element(click to read Return to the Earth post). As we approach the Winter Solstice (December 21), we are currently in the transitional period between Autumn to Winter from the end of Metal to the start of Water.


Earth element is the transitional time between the seasons.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two solstices and the two equinoxes.  Solstices and equinoxes are astronomical event of the Sun reaching its highest position in the sky as viewed from the North or South Pole, one day to mark the onset of the winter season and one day to mark the onset of the summer season of 72 days each . On these days the tilt of the axis of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is the maximum at 23° 26′. A transition phases begin about 7 days before each solstice and equinox and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. Totaling 72 days, the Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. It is a time of transformation and balancing, as well as a time of fluctuating temperature and weather before completely transitioning to the next season. It is common for people to get sick or have health complications during these transitional periods. It presents an opportunity for us to fortify our own internal Earth, to claim or reclaim our central and rightful position between heaven and Earth, and to allow the proper flow of energy (qi) and healing light through us.

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Wealth & Debt Sat, 07 Dec 2019 14:19:57 +0000 Continue reading →]]>


Wealth & Debt. As we continue through the seasonal and elemental period of metal/autumn toward the return to earth transitional period around the upcoming winter solstice, it would be incomplete not to touch on the subject of currency, money and wealth. Here I share with you some questions, key concepts and influencers which have helped evolve my relationship healthier with money and currency exchange.

My relationship with money, abundance or poverty, is my responsibility.

In August of this year, I was wildly proud to reach debt-free status.  In my starry-eyed idealistic fashion of being in the world (we are all complex and complicated beings) I took out a student loan, only to cover tuition, at National University of Natural Medicine. That 6 year endeavor cost me around $135,000 plus $25,000 interest over then next 14 years in exchange for a skill set in holistic medicine (not business or entrepreneurship).  I took the 6 month grace period of non-payment after graduation and committed to a graduated 30 year payback.  During the economic downturn of 2008, I enrolled in IBR (income based repayment) in order to keep my business open, making minimal payments.  In 2013, when the economy, and out of pocket health services were again marketable, a financial advisor, Robert Cotton of Edward Jones, offered the following wisdom:  if you want to remain in poverty, stay in the IBR program.  If I wish to move out of poverty, pay off the upfront interest required to exit that program (wait for it……$5,550.01). 

The Envelope Method

He offered excellent advice, and I took it….. seriously.  Something shifted in me: the borrowed debt became a double dare ya endeavor to payoff the man and rid myself of the albatross of student loan debt.  During the downturn and recovery, I implemented Dave Ramsey’s envelope method.  It’s an eye opening process to divide your work compensation (in cash) into categories for all money spent:  housing, food, transport, insurance, entertainment, etc.  I learned a lot about myself.  I have always enjoyed cooking at home with whole food ingredients.  I found when I did go out to eat, with a friend, I was very quick (too quick) to pick up the check.  I balanced this by inviting friends over to cook together.  We could chop, cook, create with the best ingredients our town and gardens have to offer with no rush, no worries about the check!  I still listen to Dave Ramsey on Triumph during my work commutes to Mississippi and continue to be positively influenced by his tough love suggestions. I make decisions that create my financial situation. Life happens from birth to natural disasters that impact our economy. Institutional systems of money provide opportunity and suck at the same time.  Greed is real.  Generosity is more real.

Does my time spent and lifestyle reflect my value system?

This is a question that I ask my patients and myself frequently.

Other powerful influences for me have been: 

The Botany of Desire explores the relationship between our human desire and plants:  tulips, potatoes, apples and marijuana. Who influences who?? How do your desires, or hungry ghosts, direct your personal economy?

You can watch a video clip or even download a free audiobook of The Botany of Desire (or one of thousands of other titles) via Internet Archive: a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.


Prosperity 2017 Film

While in Park City this fall, I was introduced to Pedram Shojai and immediately watched and wanted to share his work.  He was educated as a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and shifted to documentary film making as he became disenchanted with our current system of health care.  He is making a big difference offering us insights and examples of healthy change that can repair and renew our broken and outdated systems.

Watch his film here (free)

There have been several very good films regarding our financial systems as of late.  Be aware.  Invest in systems that reflect your values.  Do you big corporate bank or small local bank?  If you have a retirement portfolio, what are you supporting:  big tobacco, big pharma, emerging markets, municipalities, innovative technology?  Have you considered micro lending? Have you considered investing in preservation of lands for public or private use? 

Ask yourself the hard questions of how you are supporting a sick or healthy infrastructure. And further, how is this a reflection of yourself?

To dive in:  check out Garrett Gunderson and his wealth factory concept of conscious investing.

Do the work.

I watch many friends and family members struggle with money. From chronic low income earners with limitless possibility to those that have so much but still mire down in scarcity and greed, as well as those that blow through inheritances or paychecks like the wind.  I have family and friends that live well from the art they create, the music they make, the medicine, programs or companies they develop. Some resist the fact that our current economic system runs on money or stand strong that all money is evil. I have reflected, intentioned, acted and continue to make changes – mentally and emotionally – which provide freedom from this and other shackles that we wear. There will be highs and lows, financially, and otherwise. Such is life. 

Work only with those that have at least as much integrity as yourself.

Fortunately, I was raised by two parents with strong work ethics. I have always been very honest likely due to unsavory family dynamics.  Several years ago, frustrated with the work relationships that I was co-creating, I affirmed to work only with those that have at least as much integrity as I have.  Unhealthy relationships started falling away and healthier ones were established. I have to occasionally press the reset button on this one.  Give it a try.  You will be amazed with the results, and prepare to let go!  I have found and continue to find wholesome relationships with money.  I have also learned to rely on professionals from insurance agents, office staff and attorneys, financial advisers to accountants that can help our system thrive.  Several years ago, I started working with Steve Richardson, CPA in Tuscaloosa as my business became more complex.  He has helped me gain confidence as an entrepreneur, strategize taxes and plan for growth.  He has an insightful, practical newsletter to which you can subscribe and start using right away.  And if you are looking to grow your financial team they work local and non-local. Link to Steve Richardson, CPA newsletter.

Do we have the equanimity that we need to heal our suffering?

Strike a right balance between giving and receiving. Be radically generous with yourself, your love, your resources. It more than comes back to you.

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Dry Skin Brushing Sun, 01 Dec 2019 13:56:48 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Dry Body Brushing: Detox through Your Skin Cells


The Skin is ruled by the Metal Element as an expression of the Lungs.  The skin is our largest organ! Our skin is the physical boundary between self and others.  This is the season to reflect upon where you end and others begin. When do you say yes when you could say, let me check.  When do you push through when you should rest?  With less daylight hours, self-care routines naturally focus on indoor and home practices. Dry skin brushing helps to improve circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage, and firms the skin. It is important to find a brush with soft natural bristles. Bonus:  it just takes a couple of minutes and the payoff is big.  Synthetic bristles often contain chemicals that are best to avoid.  

Begin with light, gentle brushing and overtime the skin will be able to handle brushing a little deeper.   The strokes should move through the joints, not to the joint.  Brush fingertips toward the heart and toes. Stroke toward the heart to improve lymphatic flow and back through the venous system towards the heart.  When dry brushing the stomach,  it is best to go in a clockwise motion as that works with the natural digestive flow.  When brushing the breast also circle round toward the heart and give the underarm and ‘tail’ of the breasts a little extra love.  The skin may be slightly flushed afterwards but should not be red or sore.  Avoid brushing over fresh wounds, burns, and cuts. 


The skin should be dry but not excessively dry when brushing.  You may choose to use coconut oil (to cool) or sesame oil (to warm) during the brushing process if the skin is very dry but be sure to clean the brush thoroughly after finishing brushing.   Shower after brushing to help remove exfoliated skin cells. Most individuals notice that they feel refreshed and energized after dry brushing.  Clean the bristles with gentle, ecological soap and water and sundry the brush weekly. We keep brushes and lymphagen cream in stock for you at Alberta Orchard Wellness.

We love Lymphagen by Genestra to apply to the lymph rich areas after the shower. Lymphagen Cream is a topical formula of synergistic herbs used for their ability to detoxify the hepatic and lymphatic system. Studies show that the detoxifying abilities of the hepatic, renal, and lymphatic systems are affected by poor diet, stress, heavy metal and environmental toxins, which can cause hormonal dysfunction, immuno-suppression, and chronic degenerative disease. Natural practioners recognize the importance of lymphatic function and how it supports the detoxification of every system in the body, including the immune, digestive, and nervous systems. Poor lymph health lies beneath most health conditions from bad skin to cancer. 

You can purchase this at our office or via fullscript, our electronic pharmacy and delivered directly to your door!

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Apply a small amount of Lymphagen cream, to back of head, around ears, down lymph chain on side of neck, below jaw line, on breast, belly, groin, and joints. Drink plenty of water, lemon water or cranberry tea to flush the toxins from the lymph.  This accumulation of toxins is due to the elimination of toxic debris and improved circulation.  The skin also glows and feels smoother after the whole body exfoliation experience.  Be sure to wash the brush regularly and sterilize under UV rays for several hours if at all possible. 

Be careful what you put on your skin and watch what you eat!

When the lymphatic system becomes sluggish it will release toxins through the skin and when unnatural fibers (like nylon or polyester) are worn and when chemical creams and soaps are applied to the skin, toxin release through the skin is inhibited. Then, the toxins that should have been eliminated are re-absorbed along with new toxins from the chemically made clothes and skin products. This creates an even greater need for detoxification. So, wear natural fibers and don’t put toxic chemicals on your skin. 

The diet for a healthy lymphatic system should include an abundance of fresh and raw vegetables. A healthy diet for lymphatic health might look something this with vegetables being the most consumed foods followed by raw fresh fruit, cooked vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes, brown rice, amaranth, quinos, millet, and oat. Meat should be eaten sparingly.

Drink cranberry tea for added detoxification this holiday season!

  • Fresh Cranberry Tea

Boil 1 c fresh cranberries in 3-5 cups water until they rise to the top and start splitting.  Drain and sweeten with raw honey or maple syrup.  Drink.  Retain berries for smoothie or relish.

We invite you to stay in touch. xoxoxo Sarita


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Metal: guest blog GS -Sound Medicine/Gong Therapy Fri, 25 Oct 2019 14:02:44 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Welcome Fall With Gong Therapy

Gillian Shapiro and Gong at Alberta Orchard Wellness

by Gillian Shapiro

Family Herbalist, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Gong Therapy Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Instructor, Reiki Practitoner, GriefYogaTM Instructor

We have entered Fall season in the Western hemisphere, a season dominated by the vata dosha. Vata is one of the three doshas or constitutions according to the ancient science of Ayurveda, the sister science to Yoga which is over 5000 years old. The word “Ayurveda” means “science of life”. All of us are made up of a blend of the elements of fire, water, air, ether and earth. In Ayurveda. these elements are categorized into three doshas; namely, vata, pitta and kapha and we contain different proportions of the doshas in our physical, mental and emotional bodies. We’ll focus on vata due to the time of year. Vata is governed by the elements of air and space and is characterized by the qualities of light, dry, brittle, subtle, hard, rough, active, clear and cold. It governs movement. The colon is the main organ associated with vata. The auditory channel is the prominent sense, according to this ancient science, which leads me to the gong and its potential as an especially effective therapy given the time of year. If you are interested in determining your own dosha, follow the link to the online dosha questionnaire courtesy of my herbal mentor, Don Ollsin of Grassroots Herbalism: Dosha Questionnaire

Gillian Shapiro & Gong at AOW

Gillian Shapiro & Gong at Alberta Orchard Wellness

The gong, as a form of sound or sonic therapy, is a wonderful way to welcome this transition to Fall as the weather cools, days become shorter, and leaves dazzle us with their technicolor splendor.  The gong is a musical instrument but when played for meditation, it is used to facilitate health and vitality.

Everything is made up of vibration and the gong vibrates the cells in our bodies. In fact, we are made up of 70% water, meaning we conduct sound! Sound has the potential to profoundly transform us on a cellular level.

Among the variety of potential benefits of the gong are:

  • A sense of security and grounding;
  • Opening the higher chakras (energy centers); 
  • Pain management (particularly migraines);
  • Especially soothing for high vata constitutions, i.e., calming and unplugging the overactive mind, reducing anxiety, worry and overwhelm and relief for insomnia; 
  • Encourages deep relaxation and a meditative state;
  • Trauma and PTSD symptoms;
  • Promotes emotional release when working through grief, by moving stuck energy, and breaking and releasing emotional and energetic blocks.


Gillian offers one hour gong therapy appointments at Alberta Orchard Wellness on Monday evenings  from 5-8 p.m. Please follow our two step process today to book your session for Fall.

Book Gong Therapy here and  Pre-pay for your session here or contact us if you need help booking via or


The sounds are oftentimes magical and have been described as ethereal, cosmic, like being in outer space and also likened to ocean waves crashing over us.  The sounds can also be loud and intense, at times, to promote a deep release for the nervous system.

The gong activates the parasympathetic nervous system (also known as the “rest and digest” system), nourishing us energetically, thereby reducing stress and soothing the overly taxed sympathetic “fight or flight” nervous system that we tend to live in during these busy, stressful times.

A gong therapy session is a one-on-one private session, customized to your specific needs based on an intake questionnaire you complete at the beginning of the session.  A typical session lasts one hour and may also include breath work (pranayama), mantra, affirmations, stretching and/or mudras.

Gong therapy is an ideal companion to talk therapy, yoga/meditation, massage therapy, acupuncture, Reiki and many other modalities as well as conventional medical treatments.

The environment is safe, supportive, non-judgmental and soul nourishing.  No prior experience with Yoga, Ayurveda or the gong are necessary. Come with the intention to surrender to the waves of sound and vibration. Of course, everyone is invited to show up and participate when I offer gong baths, private sessions, classes or workshops around town that include the gong. Follow the “Beech Hills Wellness” page on Facebook to check out the schedule or email me at to be added to our monthly newsletter to keep track of our wellness offerings.  Gillian

What inspired you to learn gong therapy?  I have loved the cosmic sounds and vibrations of the gong since I first experienced them in a yoga class in NYC, where I ultimately did my kundalini yoga teacher training. The gong’s ability to change our state of mind and our consciousness is so profound, as has been my experience. I initially learned to play the gong during a hands-on module of my teacher training that I specifically requested.  I simply could not get enough of this sacred instrument so I had to buy one when I moved to Alabama six+ years ago, where I actually had the space for it (unlike in my NYC apartment). From then on, I practiced and shared the gong’s amazingness with students in my yoga classes. I was called to go a step further and learn Gong Therapy to deepen my understanding of more specific healing protocols facilitated by the gong. Private sessions are unique in that way; I can play to a person’s specific body system, chakra or emotion that needs support.  

What is your personal process like during a gong session? I am chanting mantra while I am playing to maintain a neutral state of mind.  In gong therapy sessions, I am situated quite close to my client, with the gong in between us so we are sharing an intimate, energetic field, allowing me to be a channel for the gong to intuitively express what the client needs.

How can sound healing be incorporated into our daily lives? A magical way to incorporate sound healing on a daily basis is to chant mantra, or sacred sounds, as a meditation. By doing so, we embrace our unique voice as a powerful instrument to connect to inner wisdom. It is a practice filled with compassion, sweetness and love. Singing and also humming are other easily accessible ways to add sound healing to our lives, with often profound effects.

From Dr. Cox:

There is a lot of interest in sound healing from ancient Tibetan metal to New Age crystal bowls, from binaural beats (get a free download: ) to tuning forks, from to NASA recordings to Masuru Emoto’s photos of frozen sound portrayed in his The Hidden Messages from Water

For research regarding sound and resonance healing please visit the nonprofit, Sound Healing Research Foundation:

Check out this Amazing 17 minute TEDx talk with Music Professor Anthony Holland with drug~less sound resonance healing with Cancer.

Gillian offers one hour gong therapy appointments at Alberta Orchard Wellness on Monday evenings  from 5-8 p.m. Please follow our two step process today to experience sound healing this Fall!

Book Gong Therapy here and  Pre-pay for your session here or or contact us if you need help booking via visit or

