Earth Element – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Fri, 26 Feb 2021 19:40:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Earth Element – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Soup Cleanse Thu, 28 Jan 2021 03:33:11 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Soup Cleanse…….aka a winter reset 


The number one question I get in January is “What do you think about this detox kit or that cleanse program or this product? My general answer is Winter is NOT the most harmonious time of the year to detoxify – save it for spring and fall.  And always, always prepare your body for a detox by opening the 5 avenues (emunctories) of elimination  ~ more on that later. Winter is for resting, restoring, dreaming, merging – hibernating in essence.

I do understand the desire, even the need to reset after the overindulgence of the holidays and to affirm our newfound, yearly commitment to healthier habits with action.  Over the next weeks, I will guiding you through a simple winter soup cleanse with soup base modification, organ specific spices along with seasonally appropriate practices to feel better now. 

I will be delivering lifestyle and winter wellness tips, whole food hacks in a mini blog format. Click here to have the blog delivered to your inbox, so you don’t miss these insider tips. 

The soups journey you through each of the the 6 yin/yang pairs of the organ network to gently cleanse and restore – a perfect winter way to care for yourself. 


Lung/Large Intestine ~ Cauliflower / Cabbage

Stomach/Spleen ~ Butternut Squash

Heart/Small Intestine ~ Asparagus/ Turnip & Pumpkin/Chili

Bladder/Kidney ~ Lentil/Cilantro

Gallbladder/Liver ~ Beet/ Parsnip

Triple burner/ Pericardium ~ Kale/ spinach/ chard

Lung/Large Intestine ~ Carrot/ Leek /Ginger


All in a base of onion, garlic and sea salt

For 2 servings: combine one medium onion, 2-5 cloves garlic, seal salt to taste in 1 quart of filtered water. Simmer until onions are not quite clear. Add chopped vegetables until fork tender. Blend with immersion blender, blendtech/vitamix, or blender. Add a little olive oil. 

Optional spices to taste like cardamom, curry, turmeric, Chinese five spice, fresh parsley, basil, chives, etc.

Be creative and enjoy.

If you wish to go deeper into seasonal wellness purchase your Winter/Water Element Wisdom Card Deck here for 73 unique messages of inspiration, affirmation, jedi mind tricks, inquiries and instructions and to support this restorative cleanse.


Holy mother Mon, 04 Jan 2021 00:59:05 +0000 Holy Mother

The Earth seasons invites us all to connect with our divine feminine. On this Christmas Eve, may the spirit of Mary Mother of Jesus, fill our hearts each and every one. Her embodiment of courage, strength of character, conviction and purity are ageless and timeless and awe inspring. Look lovingly toward yourself and acknowledge your divine attributes. Are you kind? loyal? loving? forgiving? Shine on……Goddess…..Burn bright you blazing star.

Garden Altar credit:  Olivia Jamin

Earth/transitin Dirt Immune function June 2 Mon, 15 Jun 2020 22:21:49 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Traditional Chinese Medicine is divided into 5 seasons, Spring/Wood, Summer/Fire, Fall/Metal, Winter/Water, and Earth/Transition. Earth is a season of changes that reoccurs on the 18 days in between each of the other seasons. To celebrate the start of Earth season let’s get down to the nitty, gritty and talk DIRT!


If you grew up in the south it is likely you have heard the old adage “God made dirt, and dirt don’t hurt,” but is there something really to that?  You many have seen a tv show about individuals with a drive to eat non-food items also known as pica, but when it comes to eating dirt, this phenomenon is often referred to by a more specific term “geophagia.”  When someone is exhibiting geophagia they are most likely struggling with a deficiency.  In some parts of Africa eating the soil is considered a telltale sign of a pregnancy.  One of the most interesting examples of geophagia is the kaolin ingestion common in the Georgia Piedmont region that appears to me mostly generationaly driven.  If you visit many small stores in this region you will come across “novelty” dirt, but the locals all know the dirt isn’t likely to be just a novelty.  If you grew up in this area you may have developed an affinity for the taste of this dirt and crave it like others crave various treats from their childhood.  With all this draw to eat dirt, is there any health benefit to eating dirt?  Let’s dig a little deeper.













In recent years microbiologists and immunologists have been working hard to discover what is causing the great shifts in allergies and inflammatory diseases which have been witnessing an upturn since as early as the 1980’s. A new study from Russia and Finland has found that children who were growing up in the country as opposed to more urban areas experienced fewer allergies and had more Acinetobacter naturally occurring on their skin.  Acinetobacter is one of the good bacteria that you were warned about killing if you kept using so much hand sanitizer.  To test their theories scientists brought out the mice. They took one group of mice kept in clean litter in a laboratory setting and a second set of mice in soil saturated litter and stored in a barn. After 6 weeks the mice in the “dirty” cage were less susceptible to allergens and asthma and had a greater presence of “good bacteria” in their guts. The mice in the “dirty” cage also had higher levels of anti-inflammatory proteins that are known to ward off asthma.  







Perhaps a more familiar form of soil used for health purposes is clay.  Bentonite clay is used internally to bind toxins as part of some detoxification routines.  One of our most popular chinese herbal supplements ~ Classical Pearl, created by my teacher in Portland, Oregon, has a small amount of mineral rich clay that is used synergistically to detoxify while balancing organ systems.  During the recent months we have made several changes to our practice.  One of these is moving all of our product sales to e-pharmacy providers or special orders when the product is not available.  Our patients receive a three month prescription that can be directly ordered and delivered to their home.  This is made possible by Crane Herb Company, whose mission follows:  We are dedicated to empowering Chinese herb practitioners in their lives as healers. To this end, we offer you and your patients the finest herb products, prescriptions, books, and medical supplies that we can find. And boy are we grateful for them during these changing times.

In short, a little dirt probably won’t hurt.  You definitely should keep washing your hands, especially when you have been out in public, but some bacteria is ok.  The bacteria on your garden fresh vegetables might even help you be healthier.


Quiz: Return to Earth Fri, 13 Dec 2019 15:48:35 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Today we invite you to embrace your Earth Element via self-care.  Take this quiz and download a tip sheet full of balancing superfoods, lifestyle suggestions and even an affirmation to start or refine the dynamic journey to the healthiest version of you as you discover your Elemental Constitution and begin your journey of re-wilding yourself back to source.

Click here for Elemental Wisdom Quiz

Clicking the grey ‘follow’ envelope above will deliver weekly health and wellness tips to your inbox via our weekly cultivating wellness blog.

We are dynamic beings.  We change We change under influences such as the seasons, life situation, and our current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states and even the aging process.  Typically we have main constitution element and a secondary constitutional  (which may be the same or different as the main element). As we become more and more self aware and heal our imbalances, we will manifest and move more freely from one elemental state to the next during the natural generative cycle represented by the seasons.  Come back and take our quiz again in another iteration of yourself!

full moon illumination

The 12/12 full moon illuminated our final earth transition phase for the year.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine the transitional time between the changing of the seasons, is referred to as the ‘Doyo’. Each season corresponds to a specific element and the seasonal transition periods relate to Earth element(click to read Return to the Earth post). As we approach the Winter Solstice (December 21), we are currently in the transitional period between Autumn to Winter from the end of Metal to the start of Water.


Earth element is the transitional time between the seasons.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two solstices and the two equinoxes.  Solstices and equinoxes are astronomical event of the Sun reaching its highest position in the sky as viewed from the North or South Pole, one day to mark the onset of the winter season and one day to mark the onset of the summer season of 72 days each . On these days the tilt of the axis of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is the maximum at 23° 26′. A transition phases begin about 7 days before each solstice and equinox and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. Totaling 72 days, the Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. It is a time of transformation and balancing, as well as a time of fluctuating temperature and weather before completely transitioning to the next season. It is common for people to get sick or have health complications during these transitional periods. It presents an opportunity for us to fortify our own internal Earth, to claim or reclaim our central and rightful position between heaven and Earth, and to allow the proper flow of energy (qi) and healing light through us.

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FIRE CREATES EARTH Fri, 27 Sep 2019 05:08:40 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Love Heals. Period.

In Memoriam

In a recent post about Fire pericardium, I introducted you to Dr. Rachel Eppinga, ND, LAc.  Rachel passed from this world into the light on the autumn equinox. Her body was diseased with cancer. I’ve included the last message she sent out to her community/tribe below. Rachel was a wayshower of how to reflect and transmute beauty in any situation; she was a beacon of light, a gatherer of women to heal together.

I was recently gifted a very special Love Qigong from my dear colleague Rachel Eppinga, ND, LAc, when we gathered in Hara Mara, Mexico this past February during my first ever women’s retreat. It was a magical jungle meeting ocean, organic, fresh eats from the sea fest ~ full of love, support, opening, ritual, sunsets, qigong and play!  I encourage you to visit her site, explore her story of Love Heals. Period., and be inspired by her love notes and medicine. I will be offering her heart focused sequence, which acknowledges the directions and activates our chakras in a form filled with her deep connections and love of dance. Dr. Rachel Eppinga’s Love Qigong sequence, which she blessed for me to teach to our community, is briefly shown in the film clip linked below. This heart opening move is repeated throughout a sequence that honors direction, energy, ourselves, and each other.


Dr. Rachel Eppinga is Board Certified in the state of Oregon. She attended the National University of Natural Medicine to acquire her Doctorate in Naturopathy and Masters of Science in Classical Chinese Medicine. She holds a B.S. in mathematics and physics from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR. Her list of certifications and continuing education is long.

As a Naturopathic Physician, Acupuncturist, Integrative Life and Wellness Coach, Intuitive and an individual who lives her teachings; her unique approach offers new perspectives of wellness through the ancient teachings that remind us that our bodies are sacred and deserve our attention and appreciation. She believes by prioritizing our own health and self care, we contribute to the healing of our communities and the planet.


Earth is a grounding force during this time of transition between the seasons. After all of the activity of spring and summer, the Earth element helps us to get centered and balanced during late summer as we prepare for the autumn harvest and for winter, the season of rest and restore.

Nature moves from the joy and blossoming of Summer to the harvest and returnings of Late Summer.  As the days grow shorter, the temperatures begin to decrease. Earth transforms into Metal as the Season of Autumn arrives with downward momentum of the generative cycles of the seasons.

The Chinese associate the concept of “decrease” with late summer while simultaneously referring to it as the period of abundance ~ both are true as the complexity of truth often is. Physically and spiritually, this period of late summer is a time for slowing down and gathering. It is a time when we realize and harvest the fruits of our labor. In our spiritual lives, the Earth element allows us to internalize and learn to nourish and care for ourselves, slowing down toward the decline of fall and pause of winter.

Tips for living in harmony with the late summer EARTH season

    • Practice gratitude for the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Autumn is the season of harvest, when we reap what we planted in the spring and what bears fruit from our perennial crops. It is the time to gather nature’s bounty from our gardens. We eat with gratitude and preserve nourishment for the coming winter months. Here at the AOW, the green kiwis are building their sugar content for picking, and the persimmons are also ripening with their blush of orange. Stay tuned for information about U-pick opportunities coming up at AOW.

      Persimmons are ripening at AOW.

    • Be thoughtful of how you can nourish ourselves and others. In this bountiful, harvest season, be sure to enjoy the benefits of giving. It doesn’t have to be a  great or elaborate gift or act. A simple gesture, kind deed, or word of encouragement given today is beyond measure to someone in need.
    • Be aware of your life’s harvest. Think about yourself, your relationships, and your work, you legacy. What parts of your life are yielding fruit? Where is the harvest poor and stunted? What is  rich in harvest? A positive affirmation for transition: Don’t Worry. Be Happy. When feeling filled with worry and self doubt, remember that this too can pass along with the season. If not, it is an opportunity to concentrate self-care toward your Earth element!
    • Consider what you need to “let go” during the coming autumn season. It is the time to reflect on the past year and critically examine what in our lives we choose to nourish, and those habits and behaviors that are negative or destructive, which we should want to eliminate. Release old resentments or hurts.  Practice letting go of the old so that the new can be born. Start anew.
    • Go Unprocessed October.  For several years now, I’ve taken the ‘pledge’ to eat only unprocessed foods during the month of October.  It helps me bypass the slippery sugary slope of Halloween to Christmas treats and affirms my commitment to a  lifestyle of real food.  Join me this year in a community of tips, recipes, kitchen hacks, support, and inspiration. Click here to learn more and scroll to take the pledge of a month of unprocessed foods!


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, autumn is the season of the Metal element. Metal represents our core issues, the most basic parts of ourselves. The energy connected with Metal is attracted to beauty and symmetry. The emotion connected with Metal is grief and sadness as well as courage and catharsis. Themes of Metal include:  boundaries, integrity, persistence, judgment, competition, transmutation, value, patriarchy, the divine masculine and our spiritual connect to heaven. In autumn, we say goodbye to the abundance of summer and prepare for the winter. Metal connects us with the ability to let go of the past and allow space for the new.

Let go of stress by shaking it out!

Release tensions and revive yourself naturally. The simple movement of shaking is a powerful and effective qigong technique. Qigong shaking cleans and clears blockages. You’ll feel relaxed and energized with just one session of shaking.

What is Qigong? (pronounced Chee-Gung)

Qigong opens the flow of energy in the acupuncture meridians.

Qigong is a mind-body-spirit practice that combines posture, movement, breathing technique, self-massage, sound, and focused intent. Qigong opens the flow of energy in the acupuncture meridians. Qigong movements condition tendons, ligaments, and muscles; tone our vital organs and connective tissues; and promote circulation of body fluids. Numerous studies show that qigong is effective in helping to heal health issues ranging from high blood pressure and chronic illness to emotional conditions, mental stress, and spiritual unrest.

Qigong is considered an ‘internal’ tai chi.  Meaning, that the focus is on balancing the internal meridian, organs, and body systems. There is evidence for acute physiological and psychological effects of qigong exercise in older practitioners.

Qigong Shaking Introduction:

Set up in Universal Stance: Place feet hip distance apart with toes pointing slightly inwards, in partial universal or horse stance, weight slightly on the outside of the foot. Check posture: tail bone slightly tucked, chin slightly tucked, knees bent like riding a horses, feet parallel, arms hanging . Relax.

Shake body, relax and shake. Shake open the pores of the skin, Shake into the tendons, into the muscle layer, then the tendons and ligaments, connective tissue, deep into the organs, the bones, and the nervous system. You can use the sounds of the elements, the organs, color. 

Notice the body and any blockages.  Shake into them. Start with three minutes building up to five minutes.Become aware of your breath as you shake shake. Sound/vocalization helps release tensions and blockages. Continue shaking also lifting and dropping on your heels. Now continue shaking.  Shake into your skin, your muscles, your bones, your organs. Shake free form, what into what ever feels stuck or tense. Shake like no one is watching!

Feel your body, feel the dynamism within. Settle into yourself, the space around you.  Feel your breath.  Find your universal self, stance (above) then let your arms float up, elbows bent slightly, arms relaxed, with a small weighted string pulling your elbows ever so slightly downward, hands in front, gathering the light energy in front of you, recognizing the the source of it all ~ the  universe within.  Feel beyond your skin, into the space outside yourself. Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the boundries, the edges and the boundlessness and the lack of edges. Notice your aliveness.

Notice the parts of your body that are tense or inflammed and shake it out. Be mindful of your body and focus on the areas in need of attention and stress release. Have fun with it and your body will thank you!

Here’s a video with a quick and easy shaking demonstration that I think you will enjoy! I am inspired and feel the need to get to video-ing for y’all!

Qigong Earth Sequence; Heaven & Earth Rotation

You can continue to cultivate wellness during this Earth season by practicing exercises for healing the spleen with Qigong support. Stand with your feet touching the earth (or visualize this if indoors) in the universal stance, emulating a horse riding posture, with a relaxed yet dignified upright spine. Wake up the meridian and organ networks with three to five minutes of qigong shaking then relax and feel the energy of the earth support and heavenly flow within your body. Wake the organ spleen by tapping and repeating eight times the sound of the spleen: whooooo  (like the wise owl calling to us). Open the gates of heaven (top of head ~ meeting of ten thousand things) and earth (bottom of feet ~ bubbling spring) again.  Pivot from the lower back with smooth and continuous action. The left palm, facing earth, pushes downward while the right palm, faces heaven, pulls upward.  At the end of the pivot, alternate hand positions.  Repeat 40 times while imagining healing, golden light internally healing and balancing your spleen, stomach and pancreas.

Group Qigong Session at AOW

More on letting go of stress and anxiety for the Return of Earth!

Stimulation of the vagus nerve plays an important role in the management of anxiety and mental health issues. The vagus nerve is the longest running cranial nerve in your body. It is one of ten paired cranial nerves and runs from the stem of your brain all the way down to your gut. The word “vagus” translates to “wandering” in Latin, and the vagus nerve certainly does that. As the longest and most complex of all the cranial nerves, it starts at the stem of the brain, behind the ears before it meanders down the sides of the neck, through the chest, and eventually ends in the abdomen linking the brain to the heart, lungs, throat, and gut.

Vagus Nerve Connects the Brain and Gut

This nerve is the sensory network that informs the brain of what’s going on in our organs, most specially the digestive tract (stomach and intestines), lungs and heart, spleen, liver, and kidneys. 

Significant and important research has been making the news about a microbiota-gut-brain axis. Read up on this fascinating subject here. Also this article discusses the science behind gut microbiota, brain function and stress related disorders.

People with good vagal tone can relax faster after a stress and are more capable of regulating blood glucose levels, reducing chances of diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease. Poor vagal tone, however, is associated with chronic inflammation and basket load of subsequent health issues. Recent research presented by the European League Against Rheumatism indicate that vagus nerve stimulation significantly reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Relevant to Earth element health, I’ve collected these research links for you:


How to practically soothe your nervous system:

  • Take a cold shower or plunge
  • Splash cold water on face & neck
  • Sing, laugh, chant, hum, & hug
  • Restore the microbe of the gut
  • Relax jaw tension
  • Meditate on loving kindness
  • Positive Social Connect



The healing sounds are one of the most effective medical qigong practices. They clear heat and toxins, cool the body, release unfavorable energy and emotional qi, and build the connection to the natural virtue of the shen…The healing sounds are a powerful emotional transforming qi gong.

Click here for a discussion of the Six Healing Sounds: Chinese Mantras for Healing the Body, Mind, and Soul.

Sound is such a powerful way to heal!  Find a routine which invites healing vibration and sound into your world.  What would it be like to play background sound as you get ready for work in the mornings or when you are preparing dinner?  Maybe to celebrate the weekend upon waking? Seriously y’all let’s find a bit more play in our routines!


Shanren kan wo xinshi?  Wo xin shi!

Do I posses the earth attributes of integrity and deep trust?  Yes I do!

Return to Earth Autumn Equinox Fri, 20 Sep 2019 13:22:50 +0000 Continue reading →]]>


Autumn days come quickly, like the running of a hound on the moor.
Irish proverb

Autumn is right around the corner for all of us in the Northern Hemisphere, while the folks in the Southern Hemisphere are preparing for warmer, spring weather. 

In 2019, the Autumnal Equinox arrives on Monday, September 23, at 3:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. The autumn equinox happens at the same moment worldwide marking the astronomical start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. After the autumnal equinox, nights begin to grow longer than the days until the winter solstice in December, when the days start to grow longer and the nights are shorter. The Autumnal Equinox represents the symmetry between light and darkness, as a balance is struck between day and night.

According to the Chinese Medicine understanding of the cycle of the seasons, we have technically returned to Earth phase, or Doyo, which is the transitional time when the seasons change, four times per year. After this return to earth transition, we will be in the metal phase of the seasons which invites reflection and resonates with breath and sound healing.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two equinoxes and the two solstices. These transition phases begin about 7 days before each equinox and solstice and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. The Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. In case you missed our earlier post on the Return to the Earth Element, click here.


I  embrace and promote the wisdom of seasonal cycles  increasing awareness of and balancing our individual constitutions within dynamic change and to honor repeating cycles throughout our return to our wholeness.  


The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,” and nox, “night.” On the equinox, length of day and night are roughly equal.

During the equinox, the sun crosses the “celestial equator”—an imaginary line or extrapolation of Earth’s equator line into space. The equinox occurs precisely when the sun’s center passes through this line. When the sun crosses the equator from north to south, this marks the autumnal equinox; when it crosses from south to north, it marks the vernal equinox.

At this exact moment, the lengths of day and night are approximately equal around the world in the Northern and Southern hemispheres — hence the term “equinox,” which is derived from the Latin phrase meaning “equal night.”

Image credit: NASA

Why the Autumnal Equinox Doesn’t Fall on the Same Day Every Year

Depending on the part of the world and time zone where you live, the equinox usually falls on either September 22 or 23; although it can sometimes occur anytime between September 21 and 24. That is because the equinox is not an exact, daylong event but is defined by the position of the Earth and the sun at a particular moment in time. 

Ancient Autumn Traditions 

The fall equinox has been celebrated by cultures for ages as people track the transitions of the Earth’s paths around the Sun. Indigenous cultures recognized EARTH wisdom and understood that the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox reflect our own inner spiritual journey.

  • An ancient stone monument called Intihuatana at Machu Picchu in Peru, which means “Hitching Post of the Sun”, serves as a solar clock to mark the dates of the equinoxes and solstices.  
  • In Mexico, the Mayans built a giant pyramid called Chichen Itza. On the equinoxes, a snake created by light appears to slither down the pyramid’s steps.
  • And of course, in England, Stonehenge is aligned with the equinoxes and solstices.

An image of the serpent appearing on the side of the Temple of Kukulcan on the equinox at Chichen Itza


The Autumnal Equinox is a significant time of year to honor the harvest, which may be an actual harvest of fruits and vegetables from your garden or the harvest of efforts and intentions for your life that you set earlier in the year.  This Earth seasonal return represents the harvest time of year, when we acknowledge the gifts and abundance in our lives. It is a time when we can see, in nature, a reflection of our own lives as we go through cycles of growth, harvest, death, and rebirth.

At the Autumnal Equinox, it’s important to take a moment to go inward. Life is a continuous circle of shifting and evolving, dying, and being reborn again. Because change is a constant, it is possible to identify unbroken patterns within the ebb and flow of life. As we become quiet during this time of transition, we are allowing space for our greater vision to emerge and set in motion the intentions for another cycle. I encourage you to take some time September 23 to be mindful of your life cycle and spiritual path. Honor your own growth and inner light.

Express GRATITUDE for everything ~ the easy stuff and the challenging stuff.  Give THANKS for the ability to awaken to our true nature, to the awareness that everything we need is available or made available to us. Acknowledge the gifts and ABUNDANCE in our lives.


Click here to learn more about the scientific underpinnings of  ‘harmonic resonance’ and the sounds of the earth.


We have all heard about the declining bee populations caused by pests like tracheal and varroa mites, colony collapse disorder (CCD), and the use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. Unfortunately, toxic chemicals like pesticides harm not only bees, but also butterflies, bats, birds, and other animals. A focus on natural, nontoxic beehive management including keeping bees without harmful antibiotics, pesticides, and other chemicals, may not only save the bees but save us!

Bees are responsible for pollinating much of the food we eat. Without pollinators like honeybees, up to 30% of our food would actually disappear including many of our favorite fruits. Foods such as plums, beans, broccoli, and mangoes all depend on pollination by bees.

Natural beekeeping is an approach to beekeeping encouraging minimal manipulation and as hands-off an approach as possible

Backyard beekeeping ensures that the food crops in our backyard gardens are pollinated. Bees forage up to two miles from their hive, so a colony of bees in an area or neighborhood translates to everyone’s gardens and orchards producing more yield. I’m fascinated with and awed by bee wings and their frequency which you can read all about here.

Tips for a Healthy Earth Element Season

The organs of digestion and nutrition~the spleen, pancreas, and stomach~ are associated with the Earth Element. Western Medicine views the spleen as part of the immune system; however Chinese Medicine couples the spleen with the stomach as part of the body’s digestive system. The stomach receives and breaks down the food we eat while the spleen separates the pure from the impure for proper distribution. The pancreas regulates blood-sugar levels in the body.

The Spleen, Stomach and Pancreas comprise the Earth Element organs from a 5 phase system.  The return to the earth during this period of transition invites us to concentrate our healing aim toward blood sugar balance. Naturopathic Physicians choose to address the cause of dis-ease and have a lot of wisdom to offer us!

My colleague, Dr Mona Morstein, discusses diabetes management and healing from a Naturopathic point of view:


The podcast begins with Type I diabetes, gut microbiome, intestinal permeability (17) Type 1.5 (18.3) Type 2 (20) Sleep (22) BMI (26) Inflammation/Oral Health (29)Blood Glucose monitors (32)  Levels (35) Dawn Phenomena (37) Concerns with A1C (39) Fatty Liver (42) Foods and Carbohydrates (44) Supplements (50) Insulin Resistance/Appetite (53) Complications (57)

You can purchase her new book on Amazon: B076DGZW1N


Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  • The many types of diabetes
  • The pitfalls of conventional diabetes treatment
  • The food that you’ll definitely want to eliminate to prevent type 1 diabetes
  • The dietary approach (es) that’s helped Mona manage diabetes successfully for over 25 years!
  • What your blood sugar numbers mean
  • The shortcoming of HA1C measurements and new, improved test for glucose management
  • What the “dawn phenomenon” is and how to fix it!
  • The link between diabetes and oral health
  • LIfestyle strategies for managing diabetes
  • The shocking link between poor sleep and diabetes
  • The best diabetes supplement on the market
  • And SO much more


There are now adhesive (no more sticks) 14 day blood glucose monitors that may be right for you.

The product that Dr Morstein has developed is Diamend by Priority One.  

You can purchase Diamend by Priority One, Gymnema sylvestre by Wise Woman Herbals, Super EFA by Genestra (or Vegan Prenatal DHA) along with a large selection of protein powders and your other favorite professional grade products, through our electronic pharmacy, Fullscript.  Search, click and have delivered to your home.  Don’t have an account? Simply create one via the link below. 


To learn more about Dr Mona Morstein:

Dr Mona Morstein’s website

F4: Separator of the Pure from the Impure Fri, 26 Jul 2019 13:51:45 +0000 Continue reading →]]> SMALL INTESTINES


            As most of the planet is enduring and even setting heat records during the peak of the fiery summer season, in the Southern U.S., we are experiencing an unseasonably cool period this week.  Here we continue with our seasonal theme of the fire element and the elemental organ system. The element of fire embodies the bright, light, energetic essence of yang. However, fire without the grounding influence of Earth easily flares out of control.  The 2nd century dictionary Shuowen jiezi defines the heart as an Earth element, predating the concept of Heart as Fire in the modern Five Element construct.  Anxiety, from the perspective of heart, is most effectively remedied with a counterbalance of downward energy and therapy to settle, calm, stabilize and return to its original nature of yin. Think ‘talking some one down off the cliff’, down time’, and even coming back ‘down to earth’.  The earth provides a multiplicity of glorious medicines for supporting our hearts like


Click the link above to learn how modern research supports the use of these traditional plants in cardiovascular health by Dr Tori Hudson, ND

Take a couple of minutes and watch this video from Bennett Nurseries in Huntsville, Alabama about growing native hibiscus in Alabama! 

At Alberta Orchard Wellness, we have successfully grown Red Thai Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa)  last summer and Gongura (Hibiscus cannabinus) this summer in our hugelkulture mound. Both are edible and showy plants, requiring little water. From our gardens, we save and replant their seeds yearly as these Hibiscus varieties are annuals in our climate . These flowers may look familiar to you as they are in the mallow (Malvaceae) family, like okra and cotton, and thrive in similar climates. So if you already grow okra, also plant Hibiscus next time!

Supplemental HAWTHORNE is available online at fullscript, our electronic pharmacy, that delivers professional grade supplements directly to your doors (free shipping $50+). It just takes just a minute to create a new account or log into your existing account:

My favorite Hawthorne supplement is Wise Woman’s solid extract 

Small Intestine Meridian

The small intestine meridian is the yang meridian paired with the heart yin meridian.  Like the heart, the small intestine is also associated with the emotions of joy or agitation. The heart is responsible for almost all mental functions, including emotions, thoughts, consciousness, and sleep patterns. These mental and emotional activities rely on our ability to make sound judgments, which is controlled by the small intestine. The small intestine is where most of the physical nutrition of our food gets absorbed into our body.  Likewise, the small intestine asks you to be aware of what is surrounding you. What you are absorbing? What company do you keep? What nourishes you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?

Much like references to the heart as an emotional organ, the small intestines are also referenced similarly, such as the common expressions of “having a gut feeling” or “butterflies in the stomach”, which indicate a mental and emotional connection.

The Small Intestine Meridian starts from the tip of the little finger and crosses the wrist. It runs up along the back side of the forearm up to the back of shoulder, traversing our “wings” or scapula then crossing the neck and cheek as it reaches the outer corner of the eye, finally ending at the ear.

Image Sourced from Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation

Examples of acupuncture/acupressure for the small intestine include:

SI17 – Tianrong – Tinnitus, deafness, sore throat, swelling and pain of the neck

SI16 – Sore throat, sudden loss of voice, pain and stiffness of the neck, tinnitus, deafness

SI15 – Jianzhongshu – Cough, asthma, shoulder and back pain

SI13 – Quyuan – Shoulder and scapular pain

SI12 – Bingfeng – Shoulder and scapular pain as well as aching and numbness in the upper extremities

Separator of the Pure from the Impure

As the small intestine is responsible for separating clear from turbid on a physiological level, it also governs the mental ability to separate what is right and wrong on a mental level.  Physiologically speaking, the small intestine

  • Receives bile from the gallbladder, fluid from the pancreas which includes enzymes and enzyme precursors: anylase, nucleases and enzyme precursors, trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen
  • Breaks down and digests carbohydrates and proteins
  • Converts fats to fatty acids
  • Orders secretions from gall bladder and pancreas
  • Kills microbes via lymph follicles
  • Absorbs nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and water
  • Moves digested food by peristalsis obtaining rhythm commands from the migrating motor complex and mediated by the Vegas nerve during parasympathy (rest and digest)

The small intestine sorts the pure from the impure

When the small intestine is injured with food poisonings or is compromised with low acid,  pharmaceutical acid blockers, weak sphincters, or chronic constipation, parasites may set up housekeeping and we become sick (SIBO). In other instances, the small intestine loses its ability to absorb when the microvilli fingers are flattened as in celiac disease.  Damage or decreased tone of the vagal nerve intervention of the small intestine can manifest as depression, PTSD (gut-brain axis mechanism), as well as inflammatory bowel disease. Hyper reactivity, increased histamine, and food allergies occur when intestinal permeability is present, increasing exposure and response to foreign particles during the digestion process. In my clinical practice, I find small intestine disease very often overlooked and under diagnosed as a culprit of digestive based physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.  So much so that I have categorized these as “mystery diseases” ~ patients still suffer after having been to loads of doctors and yet received no definitive diagnosis or successful treatments.

Ayurveda – Digestive Fire

In Ayurveda, the small intestine and stomach are ruled by the fire element ~ Pitta and is also known as the body’s digestive fire.  While it is the most well known ‘agni’, the digestive agni is just one of the 40 subtypes.  Angi is the divine intelligence present in each and every cell, every process in the body. Agni is any activity involving heat, light, transformation, transmutation, or conversion. Agni is the creative flame of intelligence. Agni is the spark of life, the sparkle in the eye, the light of the heart. The body’s ability to transform external items into fuel, energy and vitality depends on the health and balance of the digestive fire as it physically transforms the food into energy and power.

Keys to keeping your digestive fire healthy:

  • Eat moderate amounts based on your constitution, mindfully
  • Eat routinely with 90-240 minutes between meals to allow a complete cycle of the migrating motor complex 
  • Eat fruit away from other foods
  • Avoid cold drinks and minime water with meals to allow for best concentration of digestive enzymes and fluids
  • Drink warm herbal teas like ginger, chamomile, peppermint, fennel tea to support digestion
  • Eat in a relaxed state 
  • Use digestive spices in cooking:  ginger, cardamom, cumin, fennel, cinnamon, turmeric and black pepper.
  • Eat like a queen/king for breakfast, a prince/princess for lunch, and a pauper for dinner


Nauli Kriya – fire washing the intestines is an incredibly powerful practice to strengthen the digestive fire and release toxins and negative patterning to encourage unrestricted, natural movement of the internal organs. These videos break the exercise into basic steps that can be developed over time. Note:  not for use during pregnancy, with hernias or intestinal ulcers due to increased abdominal pressure. I have linked both a female and male example of the practice with slight variations that may work for you:

Three Levels of Sorting

The small intestine sorts on three levels: physically, mentally, and spiritually; 1) physically, it draws out the nutrients from the food we eat by separating the pure from the impure; 2) it mentally sorts the constant bombardment of our modern environment by eliminating aspects of life such as crime, violence, hatred, and aggression that cause our minds to be impure with negativity; 3) on a spiritual level, our small intestine sorts the deep and dark elements of life that overwhelm the essence of love and joy. The small intestine has the power to separate the goodness from the evil and nasty aspects of life.


The Small Intestine is indirectly affected by emotions such as anger that causes Qi to stagnate. The fire of the heart heats up the small intestine and signs of excess heat in the small intestine include:

   Abdominal pain

   Small Intestine heat

   Tongue ulcers

   Scanty, dark, painful, or bloody urination

   Heated fluids

   Insomnia, mental restlessness, throat pain, thirst

   Sudden hearing loss

   Red tongue with a swollen red tip and a yellow coat

   Rapid pulse


   Abdominal Pain, relieved by warm and pressure

   Cold obstructing intestines


   Weak spleen yang

   Pale and scant urination

   Desire for warm liquids

   Pale tongue with a white coat

   Deep, slow, and weak pulse


Follow this link to a delicious bone broth recipe by Dr Allison Siebecker, ND

for her full text article about bone broth click here

Rich in nutrients, bone broth contains protein, cartilage (remove before cooking if SIBO), calcium and minerals. Our bodies easily digest bone broth, its yummy, and brings a calming and restorative energy to our homes and minds all while repairing our gut lining.

Try bone broth to support the small intestine



E6: Simple food preparation for transitional times Fri, 28 Jun 2019 13:05:46 +0000 Continue reading →]]> In the South, cooking and eating are central to bringing people together, spending time with loved ones, and developing new friendships.


The seasonal return to the Earth element invites simple methods of food preparation that allow more time for self-love and beloveds.  Golden and earth toned foods like millet, corn, amaranth, rice, garbanzo, golden split mung and soy beans, hazelnuts, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, carrots, apricots, and cantaloupe are harmonizing choices.  All root vegetables strengthen our internal Earth.  

Sweet potatoes harmonize during Earth season.

Keep spices, seasonings and flavors mild during these days of transition and keep food temperatures not too hot and not too cold (raw or chilled) ~ honoring the middle way. Simplify cooking and digestion with soups, purees and medium temperature baking during the doyo, or the return to Earth three week period between the seasons.  Soaking and pressure cooking all legumes and grains renders them more digestible as it denatures the lectins, the carbohydrate binding proteins which can damage the lining of our intestines and disrupt digestion if our enzyme pathways are confused or not functioning properly. 

Even in a tiny house, two kitchen gizmos are absolutely worth their weight and shelf space:  an instapot and a good blender ~ a Blendtec or Vitamix are premier if in your budget.  These appliances transform whole foods into meals in minutes. I often create a soup with ginger, carrots (sometimes cashews), and filtered water in 152 seconds in my Blendtec . Yes, from raw ingredients to warm soup in way under three minutes!

This week consider:

a four day vegetable fast,

eating from earthenware (non toxic),

a soup cleanse,

walking barefoot on the earth,

regular eating times.

Walk barefoot during Earth season.

My patients enjoy this mini cleanse that journeys through the entire organ network in seven soups.  I hope you enjoy it too!


Lu/Li    Lung/Large Intestine   Cauliflower / Cabbage

St/Sp     Stomach/Spleen   Butternut Squash        

Ht/SI     Heart/Small Intestine   Asparagus/ Turnip      

Bl/Kd    Bladder/Kidney   Lentil/ Cilantro          

Pc/ Tb   Pericardium/Triple Burner   Kale/ spinach/ chard    

Gb/Lv   Gallbladder/Liver   Beet/ Parsnip            

Lu/Li    Lung/Large Intestine   Carrot/ Leek /Ginger    

Cook up one of more of these mini-cleanse veggie soups in a base of vegetable stock or onion, garlic, and salt.  For two servings: combine 1 medium onion, 2-5 cloves garlic, salt to taste in 1 quart of filtered water.  Simmer until onions are not quite clear. Cook on low to medium heat until chopped vegetables are fork tender. Blend with immersion blender, Vitamix, or Blendtec. Add a little olive oil if desired. Best salt sources these days:  Great Salt Lake or the Dead Sea, due to the plastics in our oceans.

To southern cooks, onion, celery, pepper, and garlic constitute the four seasons. Try out a four seasons base as an easy vegetable stock. Some folks do not do well with the nightshade family of vegetables, including peppers (genus Solanaceae) due to their alkaloid content so best for y’all to stick to a ‘mirepoix’. Mirepoix is a 2:1:1 combination of onion, celery, and carrot that is popular in French cuisine. Other folks do not tolerate sulfur foods, like onions and garlic (genus Allium) so simply use a filtered water base. Organic boxed vegetable stocks can be reduced with water for convenience. If you discover a delicious combination, leave us a comment or send us a message.  We will be sure to pass it on.

Optional Earth supporting spices like cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, Chinese five spice, coriander, cumin, turmeric, rosemary, fresh parsley or basil, caraway, and fennel seed may be added for mild complement. Add dried herbs in at the start of preparation; add fresh herbs toward the end. Be creative and enjoy!

Cultivating the Earth element in our surroundings is also a method of balancing and rectifying the energies of the season.  To engender the Earth and provide a grounding entry, we painted our front door at  Alberta Orchard Wellness with a color match to Alabama red clay. We love it! We also left the kiwi arbor in primer tone to temper the metal in the southeast corner of the office. 

Our upcoming project at the tiny house is to apply a natural earth plaster as an interior wall treatment with southwestern clay and crushed Gulf Coast shells. This beautiful and natural clay plaster is not only nontoxic but it is an environmentally conscious product manufactured in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Keep an eye on this space for updates and photographs. But in the meantime, check out the company that makes and sells this earth friendly product that is sure to enrich and beautify our space.

Feng shui bagua, an energy map.

The center of the house represents the Earth according to Feng Shui. The art of placement in ancient China, Feng Shui encourages the flow of Qi in your homes, gardens, and offices. What is in the center of your home, your bedroom, your office, your dining table?  A simplistic fix is to place a pottery vessel centrally, empty or filled with earth from a place that brings you tranquility (beach, mountains, forest, sacred space) or to decorate or accent with earthen and gold tones.  A more complex undertaking would be installing terracotta on the floor or plastering the walls with earthen clay in an area of the home that needs a stronger Earth element to bring balance.  Another Feng Shui tip is to fill a ginger jar with soil from a property with abundance and place it in the wealth corner of your home or office.  Several years ago, I collected soil from a prosperous friend’s rose garden and placed it in the wealth corner of Alberta Orchard Wellness upon opening.  We have experienced an abundance of blessings, for sure.  It may be the Feng Shui or it may be the integrity, perseverance, open mind, grateful heart and good vibrations around here responsible for our success.  Either way, we’ll take it and pass it on!






E4: Return to the Earth Fri, 14 Jun 2019 15:27:23 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Return to the Earth Element

The concept known as the Doyo in Traditional Chinese Medicine means the transitional time between the changing of the seasons. Each season corresponds to a specific element and the seasonal transition period relates to the Earth element. Human beings are  grounded in and supported by the Earth below and, ideally, open to the flow of divine blessings from the heavens above.

Earth element is the transitional time between the seasons.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two equinoxes and the two solstices. These transition phases begin about 7 days before each equinox and solstice and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. The Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. It is a time of transformation and balancing, as well as a time of fluctuating temperature and weather before completely transitioning to the next season. It is common for people to get sick or have health complications during these transitional periods. It presents an opportunity for us to fortify our own internal Earth, to claim or reclaim our central and rightful position between heaven and Earth, and to allow the proper flow of energy (qi) and healing light through us.

As we approach the Summer Solstice (June 22), we are currently in the transitional period between Spring and Summer. Earth is a grounding force during these times of transition. The organs of digestion and nutrition~the spleen, pancreas, and stomach~ are associated with the Earth Element. Western Medicine views the spleen as part of the immune system; however Chinese Medicine couples the spleen with the stomach as part of the body’s digestive system. The stomach receives and breaks down the food we eat while the spleen separates the pure from the impure for proper distribution. The pancreas regulates blood-sugar levels in the body.

At Alberta Orchard Wellness, the fig leaves are in full development and the fruits are in a delightful baby stage. Interestingly, fig leaf tea shows promise in reducing blood sugar levels.  Imbalance of the Earth, spleen and stomach organ systems, affects the whole body as Earth constitutes our center. When a person’s spleen is out of balance, symptoms seen include mental and physical fatigue, worry, blame and forgetfulness, loose stools, nausea, poor appetite, bloating, as well as excess weight and being under weight.  When the Earth element is in balance, deep trust and integrity prevail, the muscles are toned, and digestion is optimized.

Sweetness is associated with the Earth Element. Although a touch of sweetness can stimulate the spleen and pancreas, indulging in too much sweet food and drink can cause digestive issues and decrease energy levels. The primary dietary tip for this transitional time of year is to avoid sugars and sugary foods; however, local (raw) honey in small amounts nourishes the spleen, emanating the golden color of the season.  All vegetables and fruits in earth tone colors benefit the Earth element. Supplement the diet with squash, carrots, dates, figs, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes as alternatives to unhealthy refined sugars and sweets. Picking fruit and vegetables perfectly ripe from the tree, vine, bush or ground gifts our bodies the most perfect form for consumption.  So grow your own fruits and vegetables or frequent your local farmer’s markets!  Consider shopping for smaller quantities more frequently during this season of abundance. It is also important to avoid foods that cause dampness in the body like dairy and fried foods. I know we Southerners love our iced sweet tea, but cold foods and beverages, especially putting ice in drinks and ice cream, shock the spleen causing digestive issues. Room temperature water is best or constitutionally corrective herbal teas or infused waters cooled in the refrigerator if you must. (We will tell you more about that in our summer hydration blog). Remember to chew your food well and eat slowly to support the spleen! More thorough chewing releases and magnifies the taste of the season, sweet.

This is the ideal time to nurture your Earth energy with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Also try yoga postures for your spleen and stomach as demonstrated here.  
