Doyo – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Fri, 13 Dec 2019 15:54:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Doyo – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Quiz: Return to Earth Fri, 13 Dec 2019 15:48:35 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Today we invite you to embrace your Earth Element via self-care.  Take this quiz and download a tip sheet full of balancing superfoods, lifestyle suggestions and even an affirmation to start or refine the dynamic journey to the healthiest version of you as you discover your Elemental Constitution and begin your journey of re-wilding yourself back to source.

Click here for Elemental Wisdom Quiz

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We are dynamic beings.  We change We change under influences such as the seasons, life situation, and our current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states and even the aging process.  Typically we have main constitution element and a secondary constitutional  (which may be the same or different as the main element). As we become more and more self aware and heal our imbalances, we will manifest and move more freely from one elemental state to the next during the natural generative cycle represented by the seasons.  Come back and take our quiz again in another iteration of yourself!

full moon illumination

The 12/12 full moon illuminated our final earth transition phase for the year.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine the transitional time between the changing of the seasons, is referred to as the ‘Doyo’. Each season corresponds to a specific element and the seasonal transition periods relate to Earth element(click to read Return to the Earth post). As we approach the Winter Solstice (December 21), we are currently in the transitional period between Autumn to Winter from the end of Metal to the start of Water.


Earth element is the transitional time between the seasons.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two solstices and the two equinoxes.  Solstices and equinoxes are astronomical event of the Sun reaching its highest position in the sky as viewed from the North or South Pole, one day to mark the onset of the winter season and one day to mark the onset of the summer season of 72 days each . On these days the tilt of the axis of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is the maximum at 23° 26′. A transition phases begin about 7 days before each solstice and equinox and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. Totaling 72 days, the Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. It is a time of transformation and balancing, as well as a time of fluctuating temperature and weather before completely transitioning to the next season. It is common for people to get sick or have health complications during these transitional periods. It presents an opportunity for us to fortify our own internal Earth, to claim or reclaim our central and rightful position between heaven and Earth, and to allow the proper flow of energy (qi) and healing light through us.

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E6: Simple food preparation for transitional times Fri, 28 Jun 2019 13:05:46 +0000 Continue reading →]]> In the South, cooking and eating are central to bringing people together, spending time with loved ones, and developing new friendships.


The seasonal return to the Earth element invites simple methods of food preparation that allow more time for self-love and beloveds.  Golden and earth toned foods like millet, corn, amaranth, rice, garbanzo, golden split mung and soy beans, hazelnuts, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, carrots, apricots, and cantaloupe are harmonizing choices.  All root vegetables strengthen our internal Earth.  

Sweet potatoes harmonize during Earth season.

Keep spices, seasonings and flavors mild during these days of transition and keep food temperatures not too hot and not too cold (raw or chilled) ~ honoring the middle way. Simplify cooking and digestion with soups, purees and medium temperature baking during the doyo, or the return to Earth three week period between the seasons.  Soaking and pressure cooking all legumes and grains renders them more digestible as it denatures the lectins, the carbohydrate binding proteins which can damage the lining of our intestines and disrupt digestion if our enzyme pathways are confused or not functioning properly. 

Even in a tiny house, two kitchen gizmos are absolutely worth their weight and shelf space:  an instapot and a good blender ~ a Blendtec or Vitamix are premier if in your budget.  These appliances transform whole foods into meals in minutes. I often create a soup with ginger, carrots (sometimes cashews), and filtered water in 152 seconds in my Blendtec . Yes, from raw ingredients to warm soup in way under three minutes!

This week consider:

a four day vegetable fast,

eating from earthenware (non toxic),

a soup cleanse,

walking barefoot on the earth,

regular eating times.

Walk barefoot during Earth season.

My patients enjoy this mini cleanse that journeys through the entire organ network in seven soups.  I hope you enjoy it too!


Lu/Li    Lung/Large Intestine   Cauliflower / Cabbage

St/Sp     Stomach/Spleen   Butternut Squash        

Ht/SI     Heart/Small Intestine   Asparagus/ Turnip      

Bl/Kd    Bladder/Kidney   Lentil/ Cilantro          

Pc/ Tb   Pericardium/Triple Burner   Kale/ spinach/ chard    

Gb/Lv   Gallbladder/Liver   Beet/ Parsnip            

Lu/Li    Lung/Large Intestine   Carrot/ Leek /Ginger    

Cook up one of more of these mini-cleanse veggie soups in a base of vegetable stock or onion, garlic, and salt.  For two servings: combine 1 medium onion, 2-5 cloves garlic, salt to taste in 1 quart of filtered water.  Simmer until onions are not quite clear. Cook on low to medium heat until chopped vegetables are fork tender. Blend with immersion blender, Vitamix, or Blendtec. Add a little olive oil if desired. Best salt sources these days:  Great Salt Lake or the Dead Sea, due to the plastics in our oceans.

To southern cooks, onion, celery, pepper, and garlic constitute the four seasons. Try out a four seasons base as an easy vegetable stock. Some folks do not do well with the nightshade family of vegetables, including peppers (genus Solanaceae) due to their alkaloid content so best for y’all to stick to a ‘mirepoix’. Mirepoix is a 2:1:1 combination of onion, celery, and carrot that is popular in French cuisine. Other folks do not tolerate sulfur foods, like onions and garlic (genus Allium) so simply use a filtered water base. Organic boxed vegetable stocks can be reduced with water for convenience. If you discover a delicious combination, leave us a comment or send us a message.  We will be sure to pass it on.

Optional Earth supporting spices like cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, Chinese five spice, coriander, cumin, turmeric, rosemary, fresh parsley or basil, caraway, and fennel seed may be added for mild complement. Add dried herbs in at the start of preparation; add fresh herbs toward the end. Be creative and enjoy!

Cultivating the Earth element in our surroundings is also a method of balancing and rectifying the energies of the season.  To engender the Earth and provide a grounding entry, we painted our front door at  Alberta Orchard Wellness with a color match to Alabama red clay. We love it! We also left the kiwi arbor in primer tone to temper the metal in the southeast corner of the office. 

Our upcoming project at the tiny house is to apply a natural earth plaster as an interior wall treatment with southwestern clay and crushed Gulf Coast shells. This beautiful and natural clay plaster is not only nontoxic but it is an environmentally conscious product manufactured in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Keep an eye on this space for updates and photographs. But in the meantime, check out the company that makes and sells this earth friendly product that is sure to enrich and beautify our space.

Feng shui bagua, an energy map.

The center of the house represents the Earth according to Feng Shui. The art of placement in ancient China, Feng Shui encourages the flow of Qi in your homes, gardens, and offices. What is in the center of your home, your bedroom, your office, your dining table?  A simplistic fix is to place a pottery vessel centrally, empty or filled with earth from a place that brings you tranquility (beach, mountains, forest, sacred space) or to decorate or accent with earthen and gold tones.  A more complex undertaking would be installing terracotta on the floor or plastering the walls with earthen clay in an area of the home that needs a stronger Earth element to bring balance.  Another Feng Shui tip is to fill a ginger jar with soil from a property with abundance and place it in the wealth corner of your home or office.  Several years ago, I collected soil from a prosperous friend’s rose garden and placed it in the wealth corner of Alberta Orchard Wellness upon opening.  We have experienced an abundance of blessings, for sure.  It may be the Feng Shui or it may be the integrity, perseverance, open mind, grateful heart and good vibrations around here responsible for our success.  Either way, we’ll take it and pass it on!






E4: Return to the Earth Fri, 14 Jun 2019 15:27:23 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Return to the Earth Element

The concept known as the Doyo in Traditional Chinese Medicine means the transitional time between the changing of the seasons. Each season corresponds to a specific element and the seasonal transition period relates to the Earth element. Human beings are  grounded in and supported by the Earth below and, ideally, open to the flow of divine blessings from the heavens above.

Earth element is the transitional time between the seasons.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two equinoxes and the two solstices. These transition phases begin about 7 days before each equinox and solstice and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. The Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. It is a time of transformation and balancing, as well as a time of fluctuating temperature and weather before completely transitioning to the next season. It is common for people to get sick or have health complications during these transitional periods. It presents an opportunity for us to fortify our own internal Earth, to claim or reclaim our central and rightful position between heaven and Earth, and to allow the proper flow of energy (qi) and healing light through us.

As we approach the Summer Solstice (June 22), we are currently in the transitional period between Spring and Summer. Earth is a grounding force during these times of transition. The organs of digestion and nutrition~the spleen, pancreas, and stomach~ are associated with the Earth Element. Western Medicine views the spleen as part of the immune system; however Chinese Medicine couples the spleen with the stomach as part of the body’s digestive system. The stomach receives and breaks down the food we eat while the spleen separates the pure from the impure for proper distribution. The pancreas regulates blood-sugar levels in the body.

At Alberta Orchard Wellness, the fig leaves are in full development and the fruits are in a delightful baby stage. Interestingly, fig leaf tea shows promise in reducing blood sugar levels.  Imbalance of the Earth, spleen and stomach organ systems, affects the whole body as Earth constitutes our center. When a person’s spleen is out of balance, symptoms seen include mental and physical fatigue, worry, blame and forgetfulness, loose stools, nausea, poor appetite, bloating, as well as excess weight and being under weight.  When the Earth element is in balance, deep trust and integrity prevail, the muscles are toned, and digestion is optimized.

Sweetness is associated with the Earth Element. Although a touch of sweetness can stimulate the spleen and pancreas, indulging in too much sweet food and drink can cause digestive issues and decrease energy levels. The primary dietary tip for this transitional time of year is to avoid sugars and sugary foods; however, local (raw) honey in small amounts nourishes the spleen, emanating the golden color of the season.  All vegetables and fruits in earth tone colors benefit the Earth element. Supplement the diet with squash, carrots, dates, figs, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes as alternatives to unhealthy refined sugars and sweets. Picking fruit and vegetables perfectly ripe from the tree, vine, bush or ground gifts our bodies the most perfect form for consumption.  So grow your own fruits and vegetables or frequent your local farmer’s markets!  Consider shopping for smaller quantities more frequently during this season of abundance. It is also important to avoid foods that cause dampness in the body like dairy and fried foods. I know we Southerners love our iced sweet tea, but cold foods and beverages, especially putting ice in drinks and ice cream, shock the spleen causing digestive issues. Room temperature water is best or constitutionally corrective herbal teas or infused waters cooled in the refrigerator if you must. (We will tell you more about that in our summer hydration blog). Remember to chew your food well and eat slowly to support the spleen! More thorough chewing releases and magnifies the taste of the season, sweet.

This is the ideal time to nurture your Earth energy with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Also try yoga postures for your spleen and stomach as demonstrated here.  
