detoxfication – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Fri, 26 Feb 2021 19:40:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 detoxfication – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Soup Cleanse Thu, 28 Jan 2021 03:33:11 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Soup Cleanse…….aka a winter reset 


The number one question I get in January is “What do you think about this detox kit or that cleanse program or this product? My general answer is Winter is NOT the most harmonious time of the year to detoxify – save it for spring and fall.  And always, always prepare your body for a detox by opening the 5 avenues (emunctories) of elimination  ~ more on that later. Winter is for resting, restoring, dreaming, merging – hibernating in essence.

I do understand the desire, even the need to reset after the overindulgence of the holidays and to affirm our newfound, yearly commitment to healthier habits with action.  Over the next weeks, I will guiding you through a simple winter soup cleanse with soup base modification, organ specific spices along with seasonally appropriate practices to feel better now. 

I will be delivering lifestyle and winter wellness tips, whole food hacks in a mini blog format. Click here to have the blog delivered to your inbox, so you don’t miss these insider tips. 

The soups journey you through each of the the 6 yin/yang pairs of the organ network to gently cleanse and restore – a perfect winter way to care for yourself. 


Lung/Large Intestine ~ Cauliflower / Cabbage

Stomach/Spleen ~ Butternut Squash

Heart/Small Intestine ~ Asparagus/ Turnip & Pumpkin/Chili

Bladder/Kidney ~ Lentil/Cilantro

Gallbladder/Liver ~ Beet/ Parsnip

Triple burner/ Pericardium ~ Kale/ spinach/ chard

Lung/Large Intestine ~ Carrot/ Leek /Ginger


All in a base of onion, garlic and sea salt

For 2 servings: combine one medium onion, 2-5 cloves garlic, seal salt to taste in 1 quart of filtered water. Simmer until onions are not quite clear. Add chopped vegetables until fork tender. Blend with immersion blender, blendtech/vitamix, or blender. Add a little olive oil. 

Optional spices to taste like cardamom, curry, turmeric, Chinese five spice, fresh parsley, basil, chives, etc.

Be creative and enjoy.

If you wish to go deeper into seasonal wellness purchase your Winter/Water Element Wisdom Card Deck here for 73 unique messages of inspiration, affirmation, jedi mind tricks, inquiries and instructions and to support this restorative cleanse.

