bees – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Mon, 19 Sep 2022 20:59:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bees – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Soup Cleanse: Lentil Cilantro Thu, 11 Mar 2021 17:36:13 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

This Lentil Cilantro Soup exquisitely supports the water/winter organ pair of the Bladder and Kidney. This is the perfect soup to catch the tail end of winter in harmony food support. This pair of organs, when in balance, support our need to restore, unplug, dream and merge into higher states of consciousness.  The seeds of the year are planted during the winter, sprout during spring. come into full bloom in summer and return to the earth during fall. What have you planted this winter in the quiescence of the season?

The soups can be created and enjoyed in any order.  However, the order of the soups as presented journeys you through the 12 organ network in order of energetic flow.  One or two may even become your favorite go to soups throughout the year. The first and last vegetable combinations concentrate on the Metal element organs: large intestine and lung respectively.

All Nourishing Winter Soup Cleanse recipes can be found  a few posts back (click here).

Wanna dive deeper into the cleanse with spices, soup toppers and self-care actions?  Check back in for our upcoming posts or follow our blog to have the posts delivered to your email

Gardening Tip:  Direct Sow Cilantro Seeds

In the south, we are able to have fresh cilantro during winter and spring simply by direct sowing every three weeks. I watch the weather and sow my seeds just before or during the rains. So sow those seeds! 

Fill your kidneys with blue-black light

Compliance Tip: Element Wisdom Cards

Choose an Element Wisdom Card each day to support the organ systems, seasonal harmony or your constitution. These unique messages support your seasonal health & elemental constitution as determined by your 5 element practitioner or our Seasonal Medicine Element Quiz.



nature: hot, pungent

action: opens pores, promotes sweating, warms abdominal organs

direction: outward

affinity:  Liver, Lung & Kidney

Whole Foods Tip: Cilantro Berries

Discover the delightful in between stage from cilantro leaf to coriander seed – the amazing, little known cilantro berry.  This tender green pod pows with flavor.  I love to eat it fresh, toss in into the end cook stage of a stir fry or fancy up my salsa. 



nature: warm, pungent

action: warms coldness. supports sexual function, removes dampness

affinity: Kidneys

Pollinator Tip: Bees adore the Cilantro flowers.  Like buckwheat, they are an early source of pollen and nectar to forage. If your spice plants bolts, bee happy – don’t worry.

Self Care:

To support the kidney and its expression as the adrenal: tonify the vagal nerve to move into rest & digest mode.

How to practically soothe your nervous system and improve vagal nerve tone:

  • Take a cold shower or plunge
  • Splash cold water on face & neck
  • Sing, laugh, chant, hum, & hug
  • Restore the microbe of the gut
  • Relax jaw tension
  • Meditate on loving kindness
  • Positive Social Connect



xoxoxoxo Sarita

Return to Earth Autumn Equinox Fri, 20 Sep 2019 13:22:50 +0000 Continue reading →]]>


Autumn days come quickly, like the running of a hound on the moor.
Irish proverb

Autumn is right around the corner for all of us in the Northern Hemisphere, while the folks in the Southern Hemisphere are preparing for warmer, spring weather. 

In 2019, the Autumnal Equinox arrives on Monday, September 23, at 3:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. The autumn equinox happens at the same moment worldwide marking the astronomical start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. After the autumnal equinox, nights begin to grow longer than the days until the winter solstice in December, when the days start to grow longer and the nights are shorter. The Autumnal Equinox represents the symmetry between light and darkness, as a balance is struck between day and night.

According to the Chinese Medicine understanding of the cycle of the seasons, we have technically returned to Earth phase, or Doyo, which is the transitional time when the seasons change, four times per year. After this return to earth transition, we will be in the metal phase of the seasons which invites reflection and resonates with breath and sound healing.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two equinoxes and the two solstices. These transition phases begin about 7 days before each equinox and solstice and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. The Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. In case you missed our earlier post on the Return to the Earth Element, click here.


I  embrace and promote the wisdom of seasonal cycles  increasing awareness of and balancing our individual constitutions within dynamic change and to honor repeating cycles throughout our return to our wholeness.  


The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,” and nox, “night.” On the equinox, length of day and night are roughly equal.

During the equinox, the sun crosses the “celestial equator”—an imaginary line or extrapolation of Earth’s equator line into space. The equinox occurs precisely when the sun’s center passes through this line. When the sun crosses the equator from north to south, this marks the autumnal equinox; when it crosses from south to north, it marks the vernal equinox.

At this exact moment, the lengths of day and night are approximately equal around the world in the Northern and Southern hemispheres — hence the term “equinox,” which is derived from the Latin phrase meaning “equal night.”

Image credit: NASA

Why the Autumnal Equinox Doesn’t Fall on the Same Day Every Year

Depending on the part of the world and time zone where you live, the equinox usually falls on either September 22 or 23; although it can sometimes occur anytime between September 21 and 24. That is because the equinox is not an exact, daylong event but is defined by the position of the Earth and the sun at a particular moment in time. 

Ancient Autumn Traditions 

The fall equinox has been celebrated by cultures for ages as people track the transitions of the Earth’s paths around the Sun. Indigenous cultures recognized EARTH wisdom and understood that the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox reflect our own inner spiritual journey.

  • An ancient stone monument called Intihuatana at Machu Picchu in Peru, which means “Hitching Post of the Sun”, serves as a solar clock to mark the dates of the equinoxes and solstices.  
  • In Mexico, the Mayans built a giant pyramid called Chichen Itza. On the equinoxes, a snake created by light appears to slither down the pyramid’s steps.
  • And of course, in England, Stonehenge is aligned with the equinoxes and solstices.

An image of the serpent appearing on the side of the Temple of Kukulcan on the equinox at Chichen Itza


The Autumnal Equinox is a significant time of year to honor the harvest, which may be an actual harvest of fruits and vegetables from your garden or the harvest of efforts and intentions for your life that you set earlier in the year.  This Earth seasonal return represents the harvest time of year, when we acknowledge the gifts and abundance in our lives. It is a time when we can see, in nature, a reflection of our own lives as we go through cycles of growth, harvest, death, and rebirth.

At the Autumnal Equinox, it’s important to take a moment to go inward. Life is a continuous circle of shifting and evolving, dying, and being reborn again. Because change is a constant, it is possible to identify unbroken patterns within the ebb and flow of life. As we become quiet during this time of transition, we are allowing space for our greater vision to emerge and set in motion the intentions for another cycle. I encourage you to take some time September 23 to be mindful of your life cycle and spiritual path. Honor your own growth and inner light.

Express GRATITUDE for everything ~ the easy stuff and the challenging stuff.  Give THANKS for the ability to awaken to our true nature, to the awareness that everything we need is available or made available to us. Acknowledge the gifts and ABUNDANCE in our lives.


Click here to learn more about the scientific underpinnings of  ‘harmonic resonance’ and the sounds of the earth.


We have all heard about the declining bee populations caused by pests like tracheal and varroa mites, colony collapse disorder (CCD), and the use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. Unfortunately, toxic chemicals like pesticides harm not only bees, but also butterflies, bats, birds, and other animals. A focus on natural, nontoxic beehive management including keeping bees without harmful antibiotics, pesticides, and other chemicals, may not only save the bees but save us!

Bees are responsible for pollinating much of the food we eat. Without pollinators like honeybees, up to 30% of our food would actually disappear including many of our favorite fruits. Foods such as plums, beans, broccoli, and mangoes all depend on pollination by bees.

Natural beekeeping is an approach to beekeeping encouraging minimal manipulation and as hands-off an approach as possible

Backyard beekeeping ensures that the food crops in our backyard gardens are pollinated. Bees forage up to two miles from their hive, so a colony of bees in an area or neighborhood translates to everyone’s gardens and orchards producing more yield. I’m fascinated with and awed by bee wings and their frequency which you can read all about here.

Tips for a Healthy Earth Element Season

The organs of digestion and nutrition~the spleen, pancreas, and stomach~ are associated with the Earth Element. Western Medicine views the spleen as part of the immune system; however Chinese Medicine couples the spleen with the stomach as part of the body’s digestive system. The stomach receives and breaks down the food we eat while the spleen separates the pure from the impure for proper distribution. The pancreas regulates blood-sugar levels in the body.

The Spleen, Stomach and Pancreas comprise the Earth Element organs from a 5 phase system.  The return to the earth during this period of transition invites us to concentrate our healing aim toward blood sugar balance. Naturopathic Physicians choose to address the cause of dis-ease and have a lot of wisdom to offer us!

My colleague, Dr Mona Morstein, discusses diabetes management and healing from a Naturopathic point of view:


The podcast begins with Type I diabetes, gut microbiome, intestinal permeability (17) Type 1.5 (18.3) Type 2 (20) Sleep (22) BMI (26) Inflammation/Oral Health (29)Blood Glucose monitors (32)  Levels (35) Dawn Phenomena (37) Concerns with A1C (39) Fatty Liver (42) Foods and Carbohydrates (44) Supplements (50) Insulin Resistance/Appetite (53) Complications (57)

You can purchase her new book on Amazon: B076DGZW1N


Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  • The many types of diabetes
  • The pitfalls of conventional diabetes treatment
  • The food that you’ll definitely want to eliminate to prevent type 1 diabetes
  • The dietary approach (es) that’s helped Mona manage diabetes successfully for over 25 years!
  • What your blood sugar numbers mean
  • The shortcoming of HA1C measurements and new, improved test for glucose management
  • What the “dawn phenomenon” is and how to fix it!
  • The link between diabetes and oral health
  • LIfestyle strategies for managing diabetes
  • The shocking link between poor sleep and diabetes
  • The best diabetes supplement on the market
  • And SO much more


There are now adhesive (no more sticks) 14 day blood glucose monitors that may be right for you.

The product that Dr Morstein has developed is Diamend by Priority One.  

You can purchase Diamend by Priority One, Gymnema sylvestre by Wise Woman Herbals, Super EFA by Genestra (or Vegan Prenatal DHA) along with a large selection of protein powders and your other favorite professional grade products, through our electronic pharmacy, Fullscript.  Search, click and have delivered to your home.  Don’t have an account? Simply create one via the link below. 


To learn more about Dr Mona Morstein:

Dr Mona Morstein’s website
