seasonal wellness – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Tue, 14 Mar 2023 19:49:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 seasonal wellness – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Water ~ Listen and wait Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:30:41 +0000 Listen and wait.


Winter is the most yin time of the year – the most receptive season.

Practice reserve.

Spring has not yet come.

We are still dreaming our dreams.

Practice listening to the stillness.

Practice waiting in the void.


Join our email for seasonal retreats, nature connects

Element Wisdom Card Decks – Ways to Play ~ Mandala Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:30:25 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Check out the many ways to play with Element Wisdom Cards!


This is one of the amazing ways:

Mandala ~ Create sacred space. Choose 5-8 cards. Arrange them in a circle within concentric rings of found or precious materials like seasonal fruits/vegetables, flowers, leaves, shells, stones, sticks, feathers, etc. Choose an elemental center piece: an earthenware filled with soil/clay, a transparent vase of water, a bell, a wooden bowl, an incense burner. Cards and objects may also be arranged by cardinal directions.


Purchase Element Wisdom Card Decks here

Did you know you can search the card titles on the Cultivating Wellness Blog? 

Our real time project for 2022 and 2023 is adding musing about the cards. 

Send us your favorite ways to play and images for 10% off any card deck or the entire collection!

Water ~ Invoke your innate intelligence Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:29:36 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Invoke your innate intelligence.

We have never had more immediate access to information. We can acquire certificates and degrees from the comfort of our own home. Opinions on most anything is available 24/7. Agenda and propaganda masquerade as news while dissenting voices are censored.

Intelligence is the ability to acquire, filter, sort and apply information. There are many forms of intelligence: artificial, abstract, logical, emotional, social, creative, adaptive, self-aware, critical thinking, problem solving. Intelligence is not an agency.

The proper place for human beings is between heaven and earth. Our birthright is heavenly connection and earthly incarnation.

Our innate intelligence surpasses that of an entire network of supercomputers. The question is do you know how to tap into it?

The revelation is in the slipstream. You can’t purchase it because it is not for sale. It is free. Priceless. You won’t find it on the internet.

You can invite it as you observe the dynamic patterns of nature. You can invoke from the ageless, timeless depth of connection to all that is.

But you must still the businesses, quite the babel.

Claim agency over your innate intelligence.


Interested in rewilding yourself? 

Seasonal wisdom helps us cultivate a closer relationship to the dynamic rhythms and cycles of nature, which is essential to healing dis-ease and optimizing our health. 73 days of inspiration, wisdom, instructions, nature cure, inquiries are available in 5 seasonal decks in our Element Wisdom Cards.

Learn more & purchase the entire collection or a single deck here

Water ~ Develop true humility Tue, 14 Mar 2023 14:29:24 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Develop true humility.

How can we develop healthy humility?
Passionate curiosity is a start.

In the asking, we engage the other and the ego is checked.

Service is a good middle.

How does it feel when we volunteer our best hours of the week, donate our most valuable items or fund a heart felt cause?

In the end, seek original origins.

Humilis is the Latin root meaning low.


By our own choice, consequence, or chance, true humility is often the outcome of experiencing great depth, deep troubles or profound sorrows.

Water, the element of winter, teaches us how to serve all, go underground and spring up when necessary, go deep and take many forms.

Metal: You are precious Tue, 13 Dec 2022 20:17:08 +0000 Continue reading →]]> You are precious is one of the messages that I speak to my patients during the fall season. Outside of the clinic, I love to remind friends or strangers how valuable they are. Try it and notice how it makes you feel. It immediately moves me into heart space.  I delight in seeing the sparkle in their eyes or their body relax into goodness. What an easy way to make the world a better place.

Metal is the element of autumn. Theme of the season is value, worth, letting go of that which no longer serves, honoring our grief, integrity, magnetism, alchemy.

During an acupuncture session, I have a patient choose an element wisdom card or choose one for them.  Last week, I forgot to have the first patient of the day choose a card, so I sent it by text. Her card is You are Precious. I encouraged her to forward the picture to one or five of her beloveds. This is actually one of our ways to play (for 2 or more) Our element wisdom cards offer 73 daily in season affirmations, wisdoms, questions and health tips. Check our ways to play & purchase a seasonal gift today at 

I’ve been at this for more than 20 years – witnessing health in seasonal cycles, feeling pulses, giving healing treatments, guiding folks back toward their best self. I am an expert in mind, body, spirit treatment – more than 10,000 hours.




Metal: Shine on you crazy diamond Sun, 13 Nov 2022 14:32:33 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Shine on you crazy diamond!

Allow your inner light to shine through as we move into days of diminishing daylight. Our moods may change with less light. 

Diamonds form from elemental carbon between 237,000 – 1.3 million times atmospheric pressure deep within the earth.  Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe according to mass. This makes carbon rather ‘ordinary’.  However the brilliance of the diamond is acquired from intense pressure to ordinary carbon.  Like carbon, our extraordinary-ness is derived from our ordinary-ness plus stress.  The practice of being present moment to moment helps us appreciate the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Less direct ultra violet light during November-February inhibits our inherent vitamin D conversion.  To better understand this seasonal stress, This science article explores what qualifies as deficient in vitamin D and what effects a deficiency can have on you.

Visit for more information about Element Wisdom Cards and how this self-care tool can help guide you in your wellness journey.

Purchase your Element Wisdom Card decks here

photo credit: Dimitris Christou

Fire – Love Heals. Period. Mon, 19 Sep 2022 21:16:57 +0000 Love Heals. Period. A shout-out to those beloveds that offer and receive unconditional love. I’m blessed with so much love. It’s a mighty power. Relationships are the theme for the fire season of summer. Did you know you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with?
Let that sink in. Yes, you become like them. Choose wisely.
I choose heart. I choose integrity.
I choose passion, honesty, kindness, presence. What do you choose? With love and all the while, I am super picky about my close-ins and with whom I spend my precious time. #elementwisdomcards #fire #naturopathicdoctor #tcm #fiveelements #love #relationshipcoaching #friends #coworkers

Water ~ Be like Water Sat, 04 Jan 2020 21:05:22 +0000 Continue reading →]]>



Mink Creek at Alberta Orchard Wellness

Winter, according to the wisdom of the elements, is about dreaming, resting, relaxing, restoring, recharging and germinating seeds which will break through the thawing frozen ground of winter come spring when energy naturally moves upward and outward.  Plans made and action taken in harmony with the greater cycles of the cosmos, are much more likely to come to fruition. Over the last few years, I have been observing, studying and syncing myself with the elemental cycles as practiced by the ancients. I often call it ‘re-wilding’ myself. I started with Seasonal Wellness classes in 2015. In 2019 I printed 5 seasonal Element Wisdom Decks – 73 cards for each season totaling 365 days of clinical pearls, lifestyle tips, jedi mind tricks and some deeper dives into traditional medicine, physchology and spirit.

Nourish the water element during the winter season:

  •  Go to sleep early and rise with or just before the sun rises. I use an alarm clock only when I have an important appointment.  Natural light awakens me if my internal clock has not.  I am learning to trust this more and more each season.


  • Unplug: allow yourself to disconnect from all technology when the sun sets.  Yes, you read that right: read a book, light a fire, make a cup of tea, color, paint, play board games, take a long bath, make music, make love.  Do nothing. Need convincing? Check the research:


  • Watch every sunrise and sunset possible. Everything has a beginning, middle and end.  Watching the sun rising and setting reminds us as does observing our breath:  the beginning of the inhale, the middle of the inhale, the end of the inhale, a gap or turning, the beginning of the exhale, the middle of the exhale, the end of the exhale, a gap or turning and so it goes.  The most blissful moments as well as the most awkward or difficult days have a beginning, middle and end.  Our breath is like the incoming and outgoing tide of our life’s ocean. Following these cycles develops equanimity; equanimity undoes suffering.


  • Be with water as often as possible:  the ocean, rivers, creeks, waterfalls, springs water sound machines, aquariums, you tube water videos. Last winter, I planted 90 ferns in the creek that runs under the screened porch of my off grid tiny house (check back for that blog post).


  • Observe how water moves and flows around obstacles. How can we be more like water in our movement in our inner and outer worlds?


  • Replace one of your bathroom lights with a red light, so as not to wake your adrenals into a cortisol rise if you need to get up during the night.


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Wolf Bay Sunset, Alabama Gulf Coast

Quiz: Return to Earth Fri, 13 Dec 2019 15:48:35 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Today we invite you to embrace your Earth Element via self-care.  Take this quiz and download a tip sheet full of balancing superfoods, lifestyle suggestions and even an affirmation to start or refine the dynamic journey to the healthiest version of you as you discover your Elemental Constitution and begin your journey of re-wilding yourself back to source.

Click here for Elemental Wisdom Quiz

Clicking the grey ‘follow’ envelope above will deliver weekly health and wellness tips to your inbox via our weekly cultivating wellness blog.

We are dynamic beings.  We change We change under influences such as the seasons, life situation, and our current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states and even the aging process.  Typically we have main constitution element and a secondary constitutional  (which may be the same or different as the main element). As we become more and more self aware and heal our imbalances, we will manifest and move more freely from one elemental state to the next during the natural generative cycle represented by the seasons.  Come back and take our quiz again in another iteration of yourself!

full moon illumination

The 12/12 full moon illuminated our final earth transition phase for the year.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine the transitional time between the changing of the seasons, is referred to as the ‘Doyo’. Each season corresponds to a specific element and the seasonal transition periods relate to Earth element(click to read Return to the Earth post). As we approach the Winter Solstice (December 21), we are currently in the transitional period between Autumn to Winter from the end of Metal to the start of Water.


Earth element is the transitional time between the seasons.

The Earth element is associated with times of change throughout the year, which happen between each of the seasons around the two solstices and the two equinoxes.  Solstices and equinoxes are astronomical event of the Sun reaching its highest position in the sky as viewed from the North or South Pole, one day to mark the onset of the winter season and one day to mark the onset of the summer season of 72 days each . On these days the tilt of the axis of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is the maximum at 23° 26′. A transition phases begin about 7 days before each solstice and equinox and continue for about 7 days after, which constitute an approximate three-week period of adjustment between the seasons. Totaling 72 days, the Doyo, or Earth, is its own “mini-season”. It is a time of transformation and balancing, as well as a time of fluctuating temperature and weather before completely transitioning to the next season. It is common for people to get sick or have health complications during these transitional periods. It presents an opportunity for us to fortify our own internal Earth, to claim or reclaim our central and rightful position between heaven and Earth, and to allow the proper flow of energy (qi) and healing light through us.

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Metal Season: Mountain & Amethyst Healings Fri, 01 Nov 2019 13:55:25 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Seasonal  Mountain Meditation allows us to become grounded and connect with our inner strength when faced with stressful and challenging situations, both internal and external.

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 Would you like to feel relaxed yet energized? Craving balance for the season?

Wonders of Amethyst!
Have you tried our biomat at Alberta Orchard Wellness?

What is a Biomat?

The Biomat is an FDA licensed medical device that combines state of the art Far Infrared light and Negative Ion technology with the healing power of Amethyst crystals. The Biomat is a ground breaking health care tool approved by the FDA as an over the counter medical device. It is a non-invasive product, easy to use, and portable. It can be placed on a chair, couch, or bed while you watch a movie or read a book. You can even sleep on it for sleeplessness! 

This amazing mat provides therapeutic benefits at home or at your natural health care provider’s today. All you have to do is lay down and relax for 50 minutes!

We chose Richway for its biomat products. Be sure to explore their website for product information.

Official Richway Biomat Website

Buy Local. Costs are standardized by the company. Alberta Orchard Wellness has been a Richway representative since 2008.  Please contact our office for sessions, mat rentals, or purchase.  Official Richway Biomat Website

Appointments can be requested online, email at, or by phone 205.758.8108 .
Contact us with questions or concerns about booking, deposit, or payment

How Biomat works:

Biomat’s far infrared rays penetrate deep into the body promoting good health and balance therefore it is used to treat a wide range of health issues. A study published in 2012 provides the results of the biological effects and discusses potential medical applications of far infrared radiation exposure. 


Gemstones are of the mountain. A natural gemstone is a mineral, stone, or organic matter that can be cut and polished  for use as jewelry, an ornament, or as part of a medical application such as the amethyst biomat. Gemstones are not commonly found. Gems tend to be scattered sparsely throughout a large body of rock or to have crystallized as small aggregates or fill veins and small cavities. The United States Geological Survey has a publication available in pdf all about gemstones and how they form. We love science!

Why amethyst?

Scientists and healers have acknowledged and used amethyst  for centuries.  Today, modern science recognizes amethyst’s highly conductive properties.  Amethyst crystals produce the most consistent and powerful means of delivering far infrared light waves and the ionic effects to our bodies.

 Envision a kindred benefiting from a Biomat session?

Try it for yourself.  Rent a full length or mini mat today! We invite you to reserve and pick up a mat to try at home.  You are your most valuable asset!  You can take care of yourself by giving a gift of self care.

Step One: Pre-Pay Click Here

Step Two: email us to arrange pick up

What specific conditions and symptoms can the Biomat treat?

US FDA’s Medical Device 510K indications for use:

  • Relaxation of muscles,
  • Increase of local circulation where applied


Temporary relief of:

  • Minor muscle pain, Minor joint pain and stiffness
  • Joint pain associated with arthritis
  • Muscle spasms, Minor sprains, Minor strains
  • Minor muscular back pain


Other benefits found from the Biomat:

  • Reduces stress and fatigue
  • Soothes and relaxes
  • Supports the immune system
  • Improved sleep (if associated with pain relief)
  • Reduced inflammation (where applied)
  • Promotes relaxation by application of heat
  • Promotes restful sleep for those with occasional sleeplessness


Product Information: Unlike an electric blanket that uses electric coils to create heat, the Biomat® uses a combination of fabrics and amethyst stones to generate far infrared rays, which are then transferred to the body as heat. The heat comes from friction generated within the body through the effects of far infrared rays. Far infrared rays warm the inside of your body and the part of your body making contact with the Biomat®. Should the temperature of any part of the Biomat® exceed the set temperature, the thermal sensors distributed throughout the Biomat® will cut off the electric current. When the Biomat® reaches the selected temperature, the E.D.N.I. lights will come on and will stay on until the Biomat® needs to raise the temperature. The Biomat® comes with an external control box which allows you to adjust the desired temperature and usage time (between 2, 4, 8, or 12 hours). As an added safety feature, when the controller is set to 131°F or higher, it will automatically step down to 113°F after 4 hours.

Metal/Autumn Season  Mountain Meditations

The Metal Element manifests as:  mountain, West, value systems, reflection, the skin, lungs, large intestine (colon), letting go of that which no longer serves, exactness, the edge, righteousness, integrity.  A powerful seasonal meditation is to visualize and connect with the mountain. 


Mindfulness is a state of being awake and in touch with our existence. Meditation techniques, like the Mountain Meditation, can help incorporate mindfulness into our daily lives, which will in turn bring about positive change in behavior and emotions.


  • Sit down in a comfortable position on the floor or in a chair.
  • Focus on your breath for a few moments, then imagine the most beautiful mountain you know of or can image. Visualize its various details and its unmovable, stable presence grounded to the earth.
  • Allow yourself a few minutes of developing this clear image in your mind, then imagine the mountain inside yourself and you becoming the mountain!
  • Imagine yourself sitting in stillness and in calm, simply resting and grounded as weather patterns, storms, and seasons pass before you.
  • Just as a mountain withstands constant changes and extremes, we also experience changing thoughts, emotions, challenges, and life experiences.  Let your mind visualize these experiences as external, passing, and impersonal events, much like passing weather patterns.
  • Feel yourself unmoving, rooted in stillness, amid the constant changes of your internal and external life.
  • This meditation is ideal to last about 20 minutes. It can be shortened or lengthened based on the your time availability and state of mind as well as adapted for morning or evening.
  • Add on for morning session: Once you have embodied the stillness of the mountain within, imagine yourself ascending the mountain, enjoying the technicolor show of leaves, hearing the rustle of leaves underfoot, watching a leaf fall from above, dancing on the currents of the wind to the ground ~ letting go peacefully of that which on longer serves.  
  • As you continue to climb higher, you notice that climbing the mountain is much easier that you could have ever imagined.  Freedom, expansiveness and inspiration fill you.  As you ascend ~ surefooted ~ step by step, you catch glimpses of the greater majestic mountain range and a lush, gentle valley.  In a short time, you have, almost effortlessly, reached the mountain top.
  • Inhale beauty and completeness. Exhale gratitude. Allow ease, success and clarity to permeate your dreams, goals and visions. From this mountain top,  breathe in and breath out fully unlimited possibility as you begin your today.

This Seasonal  Mountain Meditation allows us to become grounded and connect with our inner strength when faced with stressful and challenging situations, both internal and external.


Meditation is  a self-regulatory practice that we can do for ourselves to promote good health and well-being. Research shows that better health outcomes for those of us who learn and practice these skills. In particular, research has shown that the ability to concentrate attention can promote deep relaxation in the body, and that the ability to be more mindful in each situation can help break the damaging, habitual reactions to stress.


MP3 Padraig O’Morain adapted from Jon Kabat-Zinn

original source: 


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