Detoxification – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc Fri, 03 Feb 2023 12:50:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Detoxification – Dr. Elizabeth Cox, ND, LAc 32 32 Water ~ Accept Fri, 03 Feb 2023 12:50:43 +0000 Continue reading →]]> Accept.

The critical first step in healing is accepting things as they actual are.

We live in a world where there is plenty that requires our resistance.

However, healing requires courageous honesty about ourself, our perceptions, our motivations, our circumstances and their cause.

I have doubled down on my commitment to live a life in alignment with my core values and the elemental.

My winter healing so far has looked like:

Living without liquid stress.
I had habituated a high quality jasmine green tea morning ritual. I would make one small pot of green tea then refresh the same leaves until noon. Occasionally, I would have one cup of coffee on special or social times. Even this small amount of caffeine masked my ability to feel my natural response of stress (cortisol surge) or ease (endorphin release).

Now I can actually feel my body’s feedback system and dig deeper into the root causes. From this understanding, I make better choices.

Living for today.
The last few years turned many of our lives upside down. I made plans from a place of fear. These plans are falling apart. I accepted a graduate teaching position with unethically low wages and promises of great job to come. I also spent a huge amount of time, energy and resources developing online classes that would bring in a consistent stream of income and continuity of care for patients and the opportunity to meet new ones -that project never gained traction. I have released these plans.

I have come back round to the real. I am offering real Wellness gatherings & Nature connects in real time during 2023.

Plans made in reaction to scary and unsettling situations are suspect. Maybe we just don’t know what is coming and can learn how to be okay with that.

I am living in winter. Studying how water moves, how it changes forms.

#water #winter #fear #healing #5elements

Dry Skin Brushing Sun, 01 Dec 2019 13:56:48 +0000 Continue reading →]]>

Dry Body Brushing: Detox through Your Skin Cells


The Skin is ruled by the Metal Element as an expression of the Lungs.  The skin is our largest organ! Our skin is the physical boundary between self and others.  This is the season to reflect upon where you end and others begin. When do you say yes when you could say, let me check.  When do you push through when you should rest?  With less daylight hours, self-care routines naturally focus on indoor and home practices. Dry skin brushing helps to improve circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage, and firms the skin. It is important to find a brush with soft natural bristles. Bonus:  it just takes a couple of minutes and the payoff is big.  Synthetic bristles often contain chemicals that are best to avoid.  

Begin with light, gentle brushing and overtime the skin will be able to handle brushing a little deeper.   The strokes should move through the joints, not to the joint.  Brush fingertips toward the heart and toes. Stroke toward the heart to improve lymphatic flow and back through the venous system towards the heart.  When dry brushing the stomach,  it is best to go in a clockwise motion as that works with the natural digestive flow.  When brushing the breast also circle round toward the heart and give the underarm and ‘tail’ of the breasts a little extra love.  The skin may be slightly flushed afterwards but should not be red or sore.  Avoid brushing over fresh wounds, burns, and cuts. 


The skin should be dry but not excessively dry when brushing.  You may choose to use coconut oil (to cool) or sesame oil (to warm) during the brushing process if the skin is very dry but be sure to clean the brush thoroughly after finishing brushing.   Shower after brushing to help remove exfoliated skin cells. Most individuals notice that they feel refreshed and energized after dry brushing.  Clean the bristles with gentle, ecological soap and water and sundry the brush weekly. We keep brushes and lymphagen cream in stock for you at Alberta Orchard Wellness.

We love Lymphagen by Genestra to apply to the lymph rich areas after the shower. Lymphagen Cream is a topical formula of synergistic herbs used for their ability to detoxify the hepatic and lymphatic system. Studies show that the detoxifying abilities of the hepatic, renal, and lymphatic systems are affected by poor diet, stress, heavy metal and environmental toxins, which can cause hormonal dysfunction, immuno-suppression, and chronic degenerative disease. Natural practioners recognize the importance of lymphatic function and how it supports the detoxification of every system in the body, including the immune, digestive, and nervous systems. Poor lymph health lies beneath most health conditions from bad skin to cancer. 

You can purchase this at our office or via fullscript, our electronic pharmacy and delivered directly to your door!

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Apply a small amount of Lymphagen cream, to back of head, around ears, down lymph chain on side of neck, below jaw line, on breast, belly, groin, and joints. Drink plenty of water, lemon water or cranberry tea to flush the toxins from the lymph.  This accumulation of toxins is due to the elimination of toxic debris and improved circulation.  The skin also glows and feels smoother after the whole body exfoliation experience.  Be sure to wash the brush regularly and sterilize under UV rays for several hours if at all possible. 

Be careful what you put on your skin and watch what you eat!

When the lymphatic system becomes sluggish it will release toxins through the skin and when unnatural fibers (like nylon or polyester) are worn and when chemical creams and soaps are applied to the skin, toxin release through the skin is inhibited. Then, the toxins that should have been eliminated are re-absorbed along with new toxins from the chemically made clothes and skin products. This creates an even greater need for detoxification. So, wear natural fibers and don’t put toxic chemicals on your skin. 

The diet for a healthy lymphatic system should include an abundance of fresh and raw vegetables. A healthy diet for lymphatic health might look something this with vegetables being the most consumed foods followed by raw fresh fruit, cooked vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes, brown rice, amaranth, quinos, millet, and oat. Meat should be eaten sparingly.

Drink cranberry tea for added detoxification this holiday season!

  • Fresh Cranberry Tea

Boil 1 c fresh cranberries in 3-5 cups water until they rise to the top and start splitting.  Drain and sweeten with raw honey or maple syrup.  Drink.  Retain berries for smoothie or relish.

We invite you to stay in touch. xoxoxo Sarita


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Its Still Spring! Fri, 07 Jun 2019 19:12:58 +0000 Continue reading →]]>  

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The element of wood is associated with spring.

It’s Still Spring!

Its still spring until June 21!  Spring ~ the word itself conjures up the natural movement of this season. It’s a time for creativity and breaking through. Not unlike how many of us engage in spring cleaning rituals around home, our bodies also enjoy and benefit from a good spring cleaning~physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This is the perfect time of year to give up coffee, alcohol, tobacco and other substances (think Lent) because the uplifting and stimulating energy of spring provides a natural seasonal boost. It is a time to renew health, to cultivate new relationships, expand upon current projects, and to plant seeds that will one day come to harvest.

The element of wood is associated with spring, a time of birth and new beginnings. Spring is the time to grow, establish deeper roots, and stay flexible in the wind like bamboo. In the body, that means a focus on joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons,and sex organs. It also means giving special attention to your liver, which works to detoxify the blood and make bile to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. As spring is represented by the wood element and includes the liver and its complementary organ, the gallbladder, these two organs are the primary targets for springtime rejuvenation and health regimens. 

The liver performs many functions in the body. Removing toxins, peaking between 1-3 a.m.,  is among the most important. It governs the eyes and is associated with inner seeing. When a propensity to break down toxins combines with sight turned inward, rage directed toward the self is the expression of an imbalanced liver. When in balance, poisons and toxins are easily broken down and kindness and creativity turns inward.

To support liver functioning, drink plenty of fluids and add lemon to water (you may want to drink through a straw or brush teeth afterwards to protect enamel). Sour or vinegary foods in moderation nourish the liver (a couple of ounces of kombucha, sauerkraut).  Fresh greens, sprouts, asparagus, nuts and seeds balance and revive the liver. Exercise and sweating aid liver detoxification, so spring is a great time to develop a regular exercise program!

Tips for Healthy Spring Living:

  • Support your liver and gallbladder through herbs like dandelion and acupuncture to reduce stagnation and balance the organs.
  • Do not eat 2-3 hours before bed. Late night eating creates stagnation in the liver and prevents our body from repairing at night.
  • Stop eating when 80% full. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly so the brain recognizes that the body is being fed. Overeating creates pressure on the liver and gallbladder.
  • Be mindful of your spiritual health through self-care and meditation.
  • Eat fresh and vital foods such as greens, sprouts, fruits, asparagus, celery and raw nuts and seeds. 
  • Add lemon or apple cider vinegar to water to help detoxify the liver.
  • Practice yoga twist postures to wring out the toxins.

    Lemon in water detoxifies the liver.

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